Saturday, September 25, 2010


Colin Beavan, though fairly interesting on paper, is a significantly less gripping public speaker. As we have all been saying, the majority of what he had to say seemed to be simply repeating the exact stories and examples he used in his book. And though I rather enjoy the irony of us repeating ourselves about his repetition, it was the most significant thing that I noticed about his speach.
That, and the officer that insisted upon taking the time to wave around his flashlight and scoot kids down from the higher seats during the speech. I personally think that if he didn't want people sitting so high, he should have sectioned it off from the beginning, or at least chosen a less distracting way to move so many people.
All in all I like what Colin Beavan has to say, in his book, but hearing it over and over does not seem to strengthen the point but instead water it down, like the more I hear it the less passionate about it I become because it is so routine.

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