Sunday, October 17, 2010

No Impact Week

The activities during No Impact Week were actually pretty cool. I attended the farmers market in the quad as well and I absolutely loved it. My mom and I would go to the farmers markets in downtown Austin every once in a while to check it out and buy fresh breakfast so it was really nice to get fresh local foods again. Every time that I passed the market it was swamped with students buying things and looking around. Im glad it was so popular!

But reading No Impact Man made me change the way I see the world. Everytime I buy things to eat, I think about how much trash I am making and try to change that somehow. I normally will reuse the container the food came in and try to recycle anything else I cannot use. I also became super concious about wasting energy. I am going to paying my electric bill one day and after seeing what my parents paid, I knew I needed to make some changes. I started turning off lights when I wasnt in the room, unplugging electronics not in use, and I no longer keep my computer turned on and plugged into the wall when I am asleep. I have also tried out the drying racks that are provided in our halls. Its not as fast as just shoving my clothes in a dryer but I do like the way my clothes feel after using the drying rack. I am not sure how its different, but they always seem to feel just a little bit softer. I know I am not doing anything as drastic as Beavan, but in my own little way, I am making a difference and I hope to keep up these changes for the rest of my life.

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