Monday, October 18, 2010

No Impact Week

"No Impact Week" seems to have lasted longer than a single week. I am not sure how long some of these changes will last, but I am currently trying to maintain them:

Driving can be fun, but I usually walk (or do parkour :D) to nearby places.

Additionally, I have tried to make more healthy food choices at the campus dining halls. However, this does not mean that I have thrown away the concept of "don't ask, don't tell" when eating non-homemade foods.

Finally, my dormitory requires that its occupants keep recycling bins in their rooms. Although I found the loss of space in my room to be a small annoyance, I have seen an increase of frequency in my choice to recycle. The recycling bin for plastic is overflowing!

With these changes, I am not only noticing a physical benefit, but a mental benefit as well. I feel better about myself in a way for which I cannot find an explanation.

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