Monday, October 11, 2010


I just found out that we didn't have class today and so i am blogging about how impact week really impacted me and about the book No Impact Man. During no impact week there were so many things to do especially out in the Quad. I actually went to the market they had with all the fruits and fresh foods. The book No Impact Man really opened my eyes to see that people can actually survive without things that I thought were a must to live on. His ideas of not just cutting cold turkey but to do it in little steps really let me see the effect on him and his family. What really got me was the use of paper towels, plates and napkins. This was not a guilt trip book that pointed their fingers at us telling us that we are doing things wrong but an inspirational book about a man who wanted to change a little part of the world and what he did about it. I have learned that there is so much stuff that really isn't necessary in my life, the effect on the environment when it comes to even elevators and cars, to not give up even when people think you are an idiot.
That is all for today and see you guys next week and I hope Mrs. Lopez feels better soon:)

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