Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hmmmm, for No Impact Week I went to the farmers market, I had some cookies that were really good with types of fruit in them. They were pretty tasty- I didn't get a chance to look around to much but it seemed neat. We asked about the drying racks that our dorms were suppose to have-- however that was a fail and we do not have any. The RA said that he thinks Beretta or Brodgen has one, however it was all broken and stuff.

As for what I will take from the book is a tuff one. I guess I know more about where food comes from and the impact that it has on the environment. Along with how much impact different modes of transportation have and what are the better choices and because of that I know that he probably completely destroyed any sort of "no impact" that he wanted to make traveling around speaking about his book. I highly doubt that he found and eco-friendly way to get to San Marcos and where ever else he has traveled. I get he had "no impact" for a year but wouldn't the probable air plane he took here and every where else he goes to speak completely destroy and go against his efforts?

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