This blog will be used for discussion/comments from members of the US 1100 Section 01 for Fall 2010.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
autobiography presentations
I'm pretty sure it's a unanimous decision that Cheyenne is group leader. I'm glad we're finally starting to go along with this planting idea. It's going to be legit. You can pretty much call me the best pot decorator/planter in the world...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Group meeting
I enjoyed most of the presentations this past Monday they were awesome! And i cannot wait for our pot painting thingy! and our planting too of course. See ya'll next Monday!
first presentations
Class Presentations Day 1
FIrst day of presentations
Monday, October 25, 2010
Class 10/25
I'm happy that this class project is starting to smooth out a little bit. And I'm more than happy to have given the initial push. So thanks for the thanks, guys :)
I hope everyone brings some money so I can get all of the supplies at once and we can do the actual painting and planting as a group! Thank you for being so patient and cooperative class...I know it's definitely frustrating sometimes.
Ya'll are awesome and I'll see ya'll next week!
P.S. Check your email if you haven't paid yet!
Also, BIG thanks to Cheyenne for getting the group project going! I'm glad someone stepped up to get the ball rolling. (:
Chelsea Lovercamp
Cant wait for next class to watch the other presentations!:)
Presentation Day
Oh and the planting mint idea is great! Thank you Cheyenne for stepping up and getting things going :)
Boko's Living Room
Class - Last Week
Additionally, while it seems to possibly be improving, I hope that our class will continue to try to become more open and social to each other in the future. Having been the drum major of my high school's band, though it may already seem obvious to many, I really saw how a close group-- a family, if you will-- can win even when everyone else seems to be on the "opposing team."
Catching Up
To me, planting seems like a good idea for our project because of the nature theme that can be found around TSU's campus.
Getting things done (:
This class has been pretty hard to keep up with because of all the random issues: like no class, weird assgnment dates, mis-communications and what not. Hopefully this new assignment (autobiography) will come together and class will run smooth the rest of the semester
well there are my thoughts ...
and there posted ha cause its a blog,and
we are allowed to share our opinions!!!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
see most of yall tonight,
ashley kathleen :)
Class 10/18
US 1100
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Total Cost
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
New Suggestion for Pots
The 6th day
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Planting!!! I've got some ideas/plans =)
The 6th(ish) Class
plants plants planting
Registering was a pain to me too. I had it loaded and everything and when I came back from class, Catsweb had crashed. So instead of taking 30 minutes, it took me 4 hours.
Monday, October 18, 2010
super confusing class gathering...
Oh and by the way, I'm free for the rest of the week so I'm down for any meeting time. I think there is ONE day out of all of our schedules that should work for everyone. All of the supplies for the project shouldn't be that expensive, especially since we are buying them in bulk.
Oct 18 Class
The good thing about today was that I registered for classes and I got that over with. Luckily, I got all the classes/times I wanted. So no more stupid 8AM classes for me next semester! Yay! It was a pain trying to register though...Catsweb was constantly either not working or offline.
Chelsea Lovercamp
P.S. I'm being sustainable right now by typing on this computer and not wasting paper writing it out. GO ME!
October 18 class
I am glad I am done with my schedule and I got all the classes I wanted for next semester and I hope everyone else did also.
alright well that is all for now...
Back in the Saddle!
The things that are pending for class are:
- Class decides on planting of individual pots for lavender (or another plant) and will have evidence at the class meeting on 11/8. Y'all will decide on the date to plant, how to plant them, etc. Ariel said she can get a discount for pots at Holly Lobby and someone mentioned Lowe's. You might also check with the horticulture department of the Ag department on campus and see if they have any extra seeds you can use for your class group project.
- Sign-Up for Presentations: you will need to sign up before Monday for your time to present on either 10/25 or 11/1.
- Presentations: please be sustainable in your presentations, yet creative. I will have a laptop available, in case you need to use it for your presentations. Please remember that I do not want you reading the questions and answers, but rather I would like to see your creativity in the manner in which you present the materials.
- We will be having lunch in a few weeks. Be thinking about what you would like to talk about that day.
- Registration: Spring Class registration begins today. Please be sure to register early to secure the classes you need for spring 2011.
What did I learn??
No Impact
Gains from "No Impact Man"
With a vast majority of people wanting to acquire or maintain physical fitness in the 21st century, it can be easy for one to turn to technology to help in achieving his or her goals. While this is okay in my opinion, I feel like certain exercise methods can be changed to help the environment. In a part of the book, I recall Colin's wife, Michelle, talking about how many people use treadmills instead of actually running around and exploring their environments. After reading this realization and applying it to my desire to become more physically fit, I have decided that while I might occasionally use a treadmill for running, I will more often run on a track or around TSU's campus.
I also realized that it is very possibly "much easier said than done" to claim that you will not use any paper towels, nor paper plates and plastic eating utensils. Much washing is involved with this practice. However, I do find faith in this feat being possible when I look back at the many decades of people who lived before the creation of these products.
Finally, this book has taught me that living a "no impact" life does not mean that one cannot enjoy life as much. In fact, I theorize that if one goes about this living method in the correct way, his or her fun can significantly increase. One can read interesting articles on the internet, go to live concerts, socialize in a public park, and more!
For these reasons, I appreciate receiving a free copy of "No Impact Man" at the TSU orientation.
No Impact Week!!!
During No Impact Week I did many things to reduce my small carbon footprint. I went to the farmers market, didn't use any elevators, and recycled more. To travel to places that would require my car, I carpooled with my friends so that it was one less car being on the road. To save water I never even took a friends loved to hang out with me! I realized if society treated every week like No Impact Week then we could actually make a difference in the world.
p.s. I was just kidding about not taking a shower
No Impact Week
Driving can be fun, but I usually walk (or do parkour :D) to nearby places.
Additionally, I have tried to make more healthy food choices at the campus dining halls. However, this does not mean that I have thrown away the concept of "don't ask, don't tell" when eating non-homemade foods.
Finally, my dormitory requires that its occupants keep recycling bins in their rooms. Although I found the loss of space in my room to be a small annoyance, I have seen an increase of frequency in my choice to recycle. The recycling bin for plastic is overflowing!
With these changes, I am not only noticing a physical benefit, but a mental benefit as well. I feel better about myself in a way for which I cannot find an explanation.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
no impact week/man!
What i took most from No Impact Man was about eating healthier. i now get fruits and vegtables that are organic along with other things. i do not use plastic bags anymore i use my reusable bags. and i recycle a lot more then i use to. I also try to let my clothes air dry if i dont need them immedietley.
No Impact Week
(Post #2)
The book No Impact Man was a great piece of literature. It allowed me to see through the eyes of someone who has gone all in for no impact. The three things I took from it can't be completely categorized, although I will try my best. One thing is that I am eating a lot healthier. I have tried cutting back on both the sugery drinks and the deep fried categories. I am also walking to more places then I did before. And lastly I have been trying to buy less new things then I used too.
No Impact Week
But reading No Impact Man made me change the way I see the world. Everytime I buy things to eat, I think about how much trash I am making and try to change that somehow. I normally will reuse the container the food came in and try to recycle anything else I cannot use. I also became super concious about wasting energy. I am going to paying my electric bill one day and after seeing what my parents paid, I knew I needed to make some changes. I started turning off lights when I wasnt in the room, unplugging electronics not in use, and I no longer keep my computer turned on and plugged into the wall when I am asleep. I have also tried out the drying racks that are provided in our halls. Its not as fast as just shoving my clothes in a dryer but I do like the way my clothes feel after using the drying rack. I am not sure how its different, but they always seem to feel just a little bit softer. I know I am not doing anything as drastic as Beavan, but in my own little way, I am making a difference and I hope to keep up these changes for the rest of my life.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
No Impact Week
Friday, October 15, 2010
No Impact Week
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
No Impact Week
Reading No Impact Man changed how I looked at things tremendously. I never even realized how many lives are in danger because of carelessness. Learning about the poor sea turtles dying from eating plastic bags broke my heart :/ I'm hopefully going to sign up for this travel thing that lets you go to a different country and volunteer with the sea turtle conservation! I also couldn't believe how much cars give off! I felt SOO bad having to drive 4 and 1/2 hours home.. whoops. But most importantly, I learned that you can stop hurting the environment, but you also need to help out to make up for other people.. but one person cant save the world.. that's why we need to unite to save the world! We should all come up with special super hero names and cool different environmentally friendly powers that help! Just kidding.. but seriously, great book! :)
No Impact Week
Chelsea Lovercamp
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
No Impact Week
I also hung my clothes up instead of using the dryer which was a quick and easy way to reduce my carbon footprint.
No Impact Man taught me to be more aware of the impact that I make on a daily basis. It never crossed my mind before how much trash I actually throw away. I also learned that its not only about reducing your negative impact, but also increasing your positive one by helping our the community. Another thing I learned is that how you impact the environment has a lot to do with where you live. Back home in Houston, there are not many places I can walk to, I have to drive. Also, recycling is not picked up all of the time which makes it difficult to store your recyclables.
No Impact Week
Monday, October 11, 2010
This is the post.
This is my post.
Career Services
That is all for today and see you guys next week and I hope Mrs. Lopez feels better soon:)
No Class Today, 10-11 - Please read
Since we are not meeting in person, I would like you to blog this week about two things to spark our discussion next week:
- What did you participate in during No Impact Week
- What three things did you take with you from the boook, No Impact Man
Our lunch would have been planned for 10/18, but I think we will do this in November either during the leadership discussion or the day that you are selecting the topic.
I know that the group project is still lingering out there. We'll make final decisons on Monday.
Again, I am so sorry for the last minute cancellation. Have a great week and I'll see you all next Monday. If you need to ask any questions, don't hesitate to call, text or email me.
Career Services
careers galore
p.s. I really dislike my english class
Homework... Enough said.
Friday I did homework, Saturday I did Student Council and Amtgard, Sunday I did homework... and I still didn't finish it all. You are probably wondering "wow he probably just said he did his homework" though may I put your speculations to rest: I actually did homework, as crazy as it sounds. And to think we didn't even have a game Saturday to attend!
As a member of the Freshmen Council it is going to be my first order of business to introduce an 8th day to the calender: Lokiday (coming from the Norse god for mischief; also following the pattern of how the week days are all named after Norse gods).
Happy future Lokiday everyone!
Homework: A Thorn in the Side
Multiple times, I have just wanted to go to class, watch the teacher give his or her lesson, and enjoy the content of the class. For example, I like learning languages. I understand that the homework in my French class is necessary to learning the language, but it is also a bit of a nuisance at times. The work is a double-edged sword, so to speak. When I have homework that is due very soon, classes which I would normally enjoy to a certain degree become an obstacle to passing other classes.
Tonight, I have homework due which I have been too busy to start, yet I still have to go to two more classes (one of which being US 1100) AND marching band practice. In a situation like that, perhaps it is best that I try to look at those classes as breaks, for college can be a complex phenomenon.
Overall, US 1100 has helped me more than hurt me, but I somewhat wish that we didn't have class today. This would help ease my homework worries for the day.
Career Services
I'm really glad I already know what I'm majoring in. I've wanted to major in psychology for quite a while now, so I'm sure it's what I want to continue with. I'm also glad I already know what kind of job I want. I want to be some sort of counselor. I either want to counsel married couples, families, or people with OCD. I haven't decided which one I'll specialize in. Since I want to be a licensed counselor, I have to get my Masters degree...which means additional schooling. I'm not really looking forward to even MORE school after I get my Bachelors, but I really want to be a counselor, so it'll be worth it in the end.
Chelsea Lovercamp
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Career Services
I am still not sure, regarding my decision when the time comes to make that choice. Luckily, I still have time to sort things out.
As a U.S. foreign affairs agent, I could make a fairly good salary with government benefits including travel, housing, children's education, etc. However, depending on the type of agent I am, I might be assigned to work in a "danger zone" in which I get an additional half of whatever my salary is. As good as that may sound, there's a sort of "catch." In addition to the name of the zone being self-explanatory, I wouldn't be allowed to take any family with me while I'm working there. I might not be able to see my wife/girlfriend/children for up to two years. This is why I have to be careful with how close I get to people. They do not deserve to be seriously hurt because of my job. That being said, depending on the situation at hand, my job could save lives.
Decisions, decisions...
Career Services
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Career Services
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Career Day
Career Services Library
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
career services library
Career Services
Monday, October 4, 2010
5th class
Class 5
Career Service In Class
I guess that is all for now so ill see you guys next class!:)
The fourth day
Green Facts
3. Using wind turbines is the perfect alternative way to convert wind energy into electricity. Today, eighty countries are harnessing wind energy to create electricity on a commercial basis. In the United States, North Dakota has the ability to produce wind power to meet one fourth of the country’s electricity demand. Almost 20 percent of America’s electricity needs will be provided by wind power alone within a decade, according to Reuters.
Note (Keith): This person seems to think very highly of wind power. While I do not doubt that it could be helpful, there are possibly many places where wind could not be harnessed to meet the demands of the people.
4. Due to global warming and the population boom, most Asian countries will face acute water shortages by the year 2025. Still, many people waste water as if there is plenty available. But the truth is that less than one percent of world’s fresh water is available for human consumption.
Note (Keith): Honestly, the fourth one scares me a little bit at the end.Here is the article that lists these facts:
Oh Studying
Looking forward to class today, see everyone there!
Just an FYI, my Spanish teacher from high school (I think she's working on her masters at TSU) once gave us her opinion on study time limits. She suggested studying 25 minutes at a time for most classes, but no more than 20 at a time for a language class.
Soon, I myself must learn to study more efficiently if I am to achieve my major. Now, I think that I much better understand WHY cramming often does not work well!