Monday, November 8, 2010

Follow Up from Today's Class on 11/8

The semester is flying by so fast and we will be at December 6th before we know it.

Thank you to those who participated in today's discussion about Diversity. There is so much to discuss and it's hard to cram it into a 30 minute block of time. For those who shared, I appreciate your courage in sharing with the class.

Here are some updates for this week:
    • Course Grades: On TRACS, I have entered the points each of you has to this point. I also tried to add comments if there is a need to explain. The total points for the course are 575 (I removed the Common Experience speaker from November 4th). When you look at the course grade, don't freak out. There are only Cs, Ds and Fs at this point, because you don't have all of your points earned. You can view the points you have received to date by going to the Gradebook (to the left on TRACS site) and it will even break it down to each assignment and how many points you received. If you have questions, please let me know. Areas where the class has missed points are: blogging each week (I checked both TRACS and Blogger.Com), Not typing your comments about Colin Beavan on the blog, Missing Experiential Activities (you have til the end of the term to accumulate your 50 points, and the Group Project (these 40 points are not assigned, yet).  Many of you are on track for an A or B, if you will continue submitting blogs, attending class, participating in class and completing the experiential activities.
    • I am debating some opportunities for extra credit. For those who have submitted a Student Success Plan and Resume (which is only a handful), you will receive an extra point to the final grade. It is not too late to submit these two items.
    • Class Picnic - On 11/22, we will meet out on the grassy area, but the Theather building. Bring a blanket, if you like, and a beverage. If the weather is not conducive to us meeting there that morning, I will send a message to y'all and we will meet in the classroom. I have the following people listed in each category (please bring enough to feed 5 to 6 people) -
      • Appetizer: Ashley, Jackie, Michael, Keith, Sagar and Kendra
      • Side Dish: Chelsea L., Jessie Nydia, John N., Logan, Cheyenne and Jordyn
      • Salad: Brooke S., John J., Cameron and Maggie
      • Dessert: Melissa, Christi, Natalie, Chelsea B., Cassandra, Stephanie and Megan
      • Pizza, Paper Products and trash bags: Michelle Lopez
    • How are your other classes going? - I hope that things are going well, but if you are not achieving the grade you wanted, it's still not too late to try and pick it up. Talk to your professor or TA, go to the study sessions they sponsor, go to SLAC, ask for help. I will be happy to try and coach you through that.
Have a great week!

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