Monday, November 29, 2010

Last Day of Class

This was a nice last day of class! I'm looking forward to the boat ride, I haven't been on it yet. A lot of my friends have and they said it was pretty cool. I'm so glad classes are finally wrapping up! I can't wait for Christmas Break! It's exciting that we get about a whole month off. I keep rubbing it in my brother's face(:
(He's a junior in high school, and he only gets two weeks off.)

I liked the people's presentations who went today in class. It was a nice relaxing class...too bad more of my classes aren't like that! I have a speech hopefully that goes well.

Chelsea Lovercamp

1 comment:

  1. Oh and my plant isn't growing. ):
    I assume it isn't going to grow. Too bad, I was really hoping it would grow! I might go try again because I wanted a plant! (:


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