Sunday, November 7, 2010

catching up

so i didn't blog before our last class because i didn't know if we had to or not so i'm gonna blog about my last 2 weeks tonight. first off i've been dealin with major family issues and fallin behind with a lot because it's been stressful. hopefully my plans to graduate from texas state come true but right now i'm considerin transferin to UNT for the 2011 fall semester. last monday we were supposed to meet to paint pots and once i got out of class i didn't feel too good and passed out early so sorry i missed out on that :/ i hope i can still pick up my pot from cheyanne maybe tomorrow?? also it was mentioned at the end of last class that we should be checkin our emails but i havent recieved anything about further pot planting or the class lunch so if someone could let me know that would be great! i hope yall are having a better week than me and enjoying the college experience. can't wait to see all of you tomorrow. now back to the books lots of homework and tests this week... boo!
ashley kathleen :)

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, let me know if I can be of some help or a resource. I would hate to see you have to leave Texas State. If I can help, please let me know.


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