I was extremely sick during this class! Apparently, we all discussed diversity, an important issue. I don't see colour when I think about people! Also, I had no idea we were planting the plants this night :( I really feel like I missed out and I hope I can make it up... Another thing that was said in this lecture was who was bringing what for the picnic on 11/22. I can bring something, I just didn't sign up!!! I will bring something, i pwomise!
We met in BOKO's living room once again to see presentations. I think it's cool that we have a place like that on campus that students can just come in to a quiet place and relax (and even take a nap). I enjoy learning about my classmates! Most of their life stories are quite interesting. I can't wait to present my presentation on 11/29. I heard that most people painted their pots but I have no idea where my plant/pot is... I never picked it up. hopefully that can be changed!
We went to BOKO's living room to hear autobiography presentations. They are quite interesting!! I like hearing about people's childhood and high school experiences. Usually I can tell if people are well-acclimated to college yet by what tone of voice they talk about their home in.
I was not present in this class, but I heard it was pretty confusing, so I don't think I missed much. Mad props to Cheyenne for really stepping up. She really shows some leadership qualities!! I think the project the class ended up doing was a great sustainability project! Yay for mint plants! hopefully they are native to Texas, because it wouldn't be very sustainable if we planted invasive plants on our campus!
We did not have class this day, so I believe we were supposed to write about sustainability week. I checked out the farmer's market and bought some extremely fresh okra (one of my faves), didn't use any elevators, and didn't use Styrofoam. I think that sustainability is a great theme to have for this academic school year. I assume that the latest "green" craze is in response to the recent attention given to global warming. Anyways, I felt much better about myself, and my impact on this earth.
Unfortunately, I was not able to come to the career services lecture. However, I already know what I want to do, career-wise. I would like to get a degree in Wildlife Biology from Texas State University, then hopefully travel and study some more, find some kind of research job. Then I want to go back to school and eventually settle down and become a zoo veterinarian and have a family of my own. That's the plan! I'm hoping I can make a decent salary, but if not, I know I will be working with animals, so I will be happy.
The SLAC presenter was pretty helpful! I didn't know that if you suck on peppermints, it's easier to remember things. Although, it does make sense if you think about it. You would associate that fact or study material with the taste of a peppermint. I think? Anyways, I thought it was helpful to hear some nice study tips, even though I had heard most of them before.
on the 20th, we discussed about the "no impact week." we heard some creative ideas about how to conserve energy and be less harsh on the environment. An idea I liked was hanging your clothes up on a line instead of putting them in a dryer. I liked our ideas for our group project! It's already been decided and done with that we plant mint plants. I think it's great what we are doing for the environment by introducing some nice oxygen producers!!
Labor day?