This blog will be used for discussion/comments from members of the US 1100 Section 01 for Fall 2010.
Friday, December 24, 2010
makeup: Last Day!
The boat tour was so much fun! Almost didn't make it but luckily, after sprinting across campus with Melissa Christy and Jackie, barely caught the boat. I loved getting to see everything so clearly underwater- the springs, fish, turtles, plants... and learning about the history of the park. I thought it helped reinforce the whole sustainability theme. The tourguides were really informative and pretty funny too. Lovely way to end the semester:) I'm gonna miss our class!
makeup: Plant re-cap/Presentations
Was a really relaxing, laid back class. Unfortunately no one seemed to be having any luck with their plants... Mine definitely never grew. At all. Buut hey I might try to plant something else with my pot/soil. The rest of the presentations went well too! I was afraid we weren't gonna get through everyone but I'm glad I got to learn a little more about the people who hadn't gone 'til then
makeup: Picnic!
Ohh so much great food at the potluck this week! Really wish we could've had the picnic outside though :/ or a lot more classes outside would've been nice for that matter. Anyways, that was my first time having Gumby's pizza- which was amaazing. And I definitely had way too many cookies. But oh well! It was fun just getting to relax and talk with the girls at my table:)
makeup: Plants/"Leadership"
Really enjoyed the discussion this day. It was interesting hearing everyone's take on what it means to be a leader. Along with the rest of the class, I agreed that being a leader means a lot more than what 'position' you hold or how much power or wealth you have. A leader is a follower (humble, listens, considerate, open-minded), but also determined, persevering, and strong.
As for the plant, not much progress :/ Been watering it 2-3 times a day and left it outside in the sun on the windowsill buut still no bud!
makeup: Autobio's #2
Got to class a little late that day but luckily just in time for my presentation! Was a little nervous buut finally got to know everyone in the class well enough to feel comfortable speaking. I tried to do something a little different, presentation-wise, in a sustainable way, and ended up making a poster out of newspapers taped together with pictures/labels on it. I had fun making it and presenting and everyone in the class was so supportive and encouraging:)
makeup: Autobio's
The first round of autobiography presentations went really well! It was fun meeting in Boko's Living Room with everyone and getting to learn more about everybody in the class. I have a lot more in common with classmates than I thought and the presentations helped me get to know em more. I was hoping to see more out-of-the-box presentations but the powerpoints were still very creative!
makeup: SLAC Presenter
The SLAC presenter was really helpful and had a lot of good advice. After learning about all the free helpful labs/locations on campus, I'd used ITAC to fix my laptop; the Comm Lab to practice my speech; and SLAC to review for my math tests. These really helped my study habits along with my grades:)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
No Impact Man Speaking
This is my make up for not blogging about this event. Going to listen to Collin Beaven talk was pretty cool. I cant believe he could do all of that no impact stuff. However, and i know its kinda sad but not very many people were listening to him speak. It was kinda like we were just forced to go otherwise we would get a failing grade in our class or not get the hour for residential college. I thought it was nice and hearing his view point on a lot of different things was facinating but i could never do it. He's such an inspiration though!
Boat Tour
Today we went on the boat tour in the Aquarena Springs. This was pretty cool because i had never done it before. Even though i've seen fish before, it was nice learning about the endangered ones and learning about all the endangered plants. I didnt know plants could be endangered. haha. I cant believe class is already over! too bad we already have finals though :( Oh well! i just wanted to wish everyone a good break and good luck on their finals!
Boat Tour!!
Last day of class & we went on the boat tour! I thought
it was really neat to hear about the history behind
it and San Marcos in general. I can't believe
I scuba dived (dove?) in Aquarena but that
makes it really neat. Finals are this week!
Eeek. Good Luck everyone!
& Happy Holidays!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Boat Tour FTW!!
I had fun on the boat tour! I just wish I knew what blog entries I have missed because I have checked several times and I have yet to stumble upon one that I have missed. Anyway it was a nice day outside for the boat ride. Hope everyone had a great semester! See ya'll around :)
So today is the last real day of class before our boat ride, which I hear is really cool. Its cool that the last people got to present their autobiography’s in class... other than that it was a pretty cool day.
So today i gave my autobiography which was cool... I didn’t realize the diversity of the campus, as far as home towns go. I noticed some of the people are from San Antonio which i didn’t know before that. Thumbs up for stage fright!
Boat tour
So today we went on a that boat ride, which was fun.. I didn’t realize the amount of endangered animals we have around San Marcos so that was really cool
So the boat ride was fun. It was way different than how I remembered it. I enjoyed what the tour guides had to say about working there. I've actually been looking for an educational job and this one might be perfect.
My plant has grown and I'm very sorry to those of you who haven't had such luck.
Good Luck on Finals!
My plant has grown and I'm very sorry to those of you who haven't had such luck.
Good Luck on Finals!
Boat Ride
So today we went on the boat ride! It was super fun and it was definitely a good experience and I'm glad we could all do it together :) It was interesting to learn a little more about San Marcos and the wonderful river. It was kind of chilly but I liked it. Plus, we were pretty cozy so it worked! This was our last time altogether and I think it was pretty awesome! So this will be our last blog opportunity! So I hope everyone does well on their finals and has an awesome, safe winter break!! And I hope you all enjoy the Spring semester also! See ya on the flip side....hahahaha Also, I kind of like this blogging thing so I'm thinking about making my own =)
The glass bottom boat ride was today. It was cool, I liked seeing the different vegetation and fish that are in the river. It was interesting actually seeing the springs feed water into the river. It was a majestic experience that I will never forget! I never knew that introducing a new species of plants or fish can be detrimental to the ecosystem and what not. I'm glad that this semester is almost over but I'm not ready for finals. This week is going to be so INTENSE.
Last week of class
Last week of class we finished up presentations finally! I had to do mine, It wasn't to bad, it was about myself so it was easy to remember what to say. My plant still isnt growing, I'm watering it as much as I can remember, sometimes its hard when I go out of town because I am not going to bring it withme. We have the boat tour in a little bit, It should be fun, im just hoping it isnt to cold.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
last dayy
I am excited yet bummed that tomorrow is the last day of classes before finals start on thursday. I am excited because I get to go home and start working again along with seeing my boyfriend, friends and family. I look forward to waking up early christmas morning and opening presents and eating amazing homecooked food again. I am bummed because I have made some great friends here in san marcos that i will be leaving for a little over a month.

My plant is still not growing but it takes a cute picture. I'll continue to take care of it over christmas break just in case its a late blumer but i really dont have a green thumb haha hope everyone else plants are doing well whether growing or not.
see yall tomorrow for the boat ride,
ashley kathleen :)
last regular class 11/29
I can't believe this semester is almost over! Where have the days gone? I feel like I just got to Texas State and have so much to figure out still and yet I already have one semester of college under my belt.
Class was great. We finally finished hearing everybody's autobiographies...YAY! I'm really excited for the boat tour tomorrow although I feel like it's going to be super cold! What a fun way to end our time together.
No update on the plant. Unfortunately I think she's dead. There is definitely no sign of life to be found. I think I might try planting something else and try again because I want a plant for my room :)
Class was great. We finally finished hearing everybody's autobiographies...YAY! I'm really excited for the boat tour tomorrow although I feel like it's going to be super cold! What a fun way to end our time together.
No update on the plant. Unfortunately I think she's dead. There is definitely no sign of life to be found. I think I might try planting something else and try again because I want a plant for my room :)
Exam Week
I was absolutely swamped on Sunday night, and completely slept through my alarm on Monday so I missed class.
It was only the second class I've missed but I felt pretty bad about it, since we only had two left. However I am setting extra alarms for this upcoming monday because I plan on making it to the boat tour no matter what. Of course, I have no idea how I'll be getting down there. I suppose just walking, hopefully I make it on time!
See you all there!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I did my Autobiography today and was glad to finally get to show my powerpoint. I apologize for it being so short I had more to say but I left my notecards and so I was hoping people would just ask questions if there was something they wanted to know. I've never been really good at speeches but I think I did just fine. I am a communications major so I know I'll get better. Thanks for being such a fun class hope to see you guys around in the following years.
So our Picnic was fun although I wished it had been outside I'm not going to complain about it thanks to the free food. I would like to thank everyone for contributing and the guys who brought the sausage and cheese your awesome. lol I know everyone is excited for Thanksgiving I hope everyone has a good break and see you when we get back.
Today we have Presentations over our Autobiography. I didn't get to go today but that was good news so I would have more time to prepare my powerpoint. I loved hearing others presentations and finding new and interesting things about them. Theres alot of stuff you don't about someone even when talking to them because people don't just tell you about their lives unless you ask and well your questions don't normally touch topics other then the normal subject. So therefore this gave us an opportunity to really get to know each other. Very good idea.
Its No Impact week. Which grate because everyone comes together to save the planet from well ourselves. lol I tried the clothing line after washing and it was great because it didn't shrink my clothes it kept them silky and well it was eco friendly. I did carpool quite a few times which is not only making an impact but saving money. I didn't turn on lights near as much because I have two windows in my room with being on a corner and it just really worked out. I saved water by brushing my teeth in the shower and turning it off when I was using soap and shaving cream makes sense anyways. lol I really love the idea of No impact week because its really a win win overall.
Today we did not have class but I remember the assignment was to discuss what we participated in for No Impact Week and Three things we took from the "No Impact Man" Book.
-I participated in the Farmers Market which I absolutely loved but wish was bigger. I bought some sausage which was delicious. I think I just love natural produced foods because I'm a big organic eater and so it was perfect for me. Not to mention how tempted I was by the natural honey. yum yum. It all always looks so good. I really look up to the people who put so much time and effort into a business that is very risk-ay but you can tell they do it because they love it. I just like the local atmosphere of it all which makes things more trustworthy.
-Three things from the book I used were recycling, Being fuel efficient, and electricity. I've always be conscious disposer and therefore have recycled for the longest time. But now that more people know about it it makes me want to crack down on myself even more. Although I can't say the same for gasoline, I don't use it near as much thanks to the University and the location as resident overall. Being between to major cities really helps. Electricity is my weakness. I always forget to turn lights off because well I don't like walking around in the dark. lol but I think my recycling and the amount of water I save makes up for my weak areas. Its really hard this century so I'm grateful for just the small amount I remember to save.
Today we talked about Texas State transitions and other topics from the text. I would like to discuss some of my own transitions. I was gone all summer long for Basic Combat Training and did not get back till two days before move in. I feel somewhat rushed into this transitioning and so I think it hit me a bit harder than others. I had to adapt all summer long just to move three hours away from home to have to adapt all over again. Texas state fortunately has been easy on me and has treated me quite well. I believe living in res college had alot to do with it being family oriented and all. I am very happy with my decision to come to school here and can't wait for the future years ahead of me.
This was labor day and so I'm not quite sure if we were suppose to blog for today but I know I need thirteen blogs so I will blog for today. How about some history on today. The first Labor Day in the United States was observed on September 5, 1878, in Boston, by the Central Labor Union of New York, the nation's first integrated major trade union. It became a federal holiday in 1894, when, following the deaths of a number of workers at the hands of the U.S. military and U.S. Marshals during the Pullman Strike, President Grover Cleveland put reconciliation with the labor movement as a top political priority. It only took six days for it to be signed into law. Priority I would say.
I am so excited...
about monday!! The boat tour was pretty fun my senior year of highschool and its a good way to say goodbye to our university seminar class. I am kind of swamped because I have a test that morning and afternoon but the boat tour will be a nice break. I decided to take my plant home over Thanksgiving break and left it there hoping that it would grow in better lighting, but according to my mom STILL nothing has sprouted ): Oh well, I guess I just got some bum seeds. Hope everyone is doing well!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Class this week was pretty fun! I liked hearing the end of everyones speeches! I am SOO excited about the glass bottom boat ride! I've never been on it and it'll be so fun because its the last day and we dont have to sit in a classroom! My plant still isn't growing and i've kinda given up hope on it. We made a good effort but sadly they didnt grow.. I still think we should get credit for the assignment though! So here are my pictures:
See Ya Next Week! Stay warm!
Plant after hearing everyone else, I've also come to the conclusion that my plant is dead or just a really really late bloomer....
I'm really upset because I was excited to have our room smell like mint, but I did admit I don't have a green thumb. Maybe we can try again when it's warmer outside...or maybe not. At least we did try though... :)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
IN MEMORY OF... my plant that never sprouted.
Honestly, I am unsure whether or not my plant is living. However, I think it is safe to assume that my plant died without ever actually living.
In honor my plant, I have given it a name... Petey.
Petey was a good plant. He was always happy, even when feeling down (pun intended). I will remember his smile for many years to come... his toothless, mouthless, completely faceless and expressionless smile. Actually, these thoughts somehow remind of that creepy monster from the movie "Pan's Labyrinth." Perhaps some of you, my lovely audience know what I am talking about.
That being said, I feel like perhaps these reason for Petey's undeniably unfortunate demise was that it was simply a high-maintenance plant. In the third grade, it was said that apparently I had a "green thumb" because I grew a beautiful tomato plant that was as tall as I was (at the time) while everyone else in the class was left with plants that were probably only one to two feet high. Therefore, perhaps tomato plants are easier to manage than mint... or possibly my teacher guided us A LOT. I do not recall whether or not our 3rd grade teacher was a big influence on how our plants were taken care of.
Finally, la pieza final: A picture of my plant pot!

Hasta luego, mis amigos. :)
In honor my plant, I have given it a name... Petey.
Petey was a good plant. He was always happy, even when feeling down (pun intended). I will remember his smile for many years to come... his toothless, mouthless, completely faceless and expressionless smile. Actually, these thoughts somehow remind of that creepy monster from the movie "Pan's Labyrinth." Perhaps some of you, my lovely audience know what I am talking about.
That being said, I feel like perhaps these reason for Petey's undeniably unfortunate demise was that it was simply a high-maintenance plant. In the third grade, it was said that apparently I had a "green thumb" because I grew a beautiful tomato plant that was as tall as I was (at the time) while everyone else in the class was left with plants that were probably only one to two feet high. Therefore, perhaps tomato plants are easier to manage than mint... or possibly my teacher guided us A LOT. I do not recall whether or not our 3rd grade teacher was a big influence on how our plants were taken care of.
Finally, la pieza final: A picture of my plant pot!
Hasta luego, mis amigos. :)
3 things: Picnic, class monday, and my dead plant
The Picnic was such a successful as well as my cookies i may add. (Thanks Brooke for taking them all it worked out perfect:D ) The stoner pizza was interesting but everything was great, good job everyone and awesome job to the people who actually baked or cooked something! Anyways, so in class we got on to the topic of recycling and housing for a while. I had shared in class that I have never cared much for recycling and never did it since it was only money going out of my pocket to drive to the next city over to give my recyled things, it wasn't worth wasting my time. Since I been here I recycle a lot more. I'm still unsure of some things that I can recycle and what I can't but the bins in our room work great!! I use only one bin since the three dont fit in our tiny dorm. But I still use it to the best of my abilities and having the huge recycling bins really helps and drives me recycle since its so easy now.
Class on Monday
I finally did my autobiography! It went well and my roommate did hers as well and I learned a few things I didnt even know about her. We discussed our last day of class!!! Wow its so close I can't believe how time flys but I dont mind right now since I just want to go home! I have only been home 2 times since coming here august 1st. Anyways, I'm pretty excited to go on this boat trip I took my little cousins and aunt and uncle when they came to visit me. I enjoyed it but it seemed like something you should only go one time to enjoy it but you never know with different people at a different time ( I went during the summer) when it's cold could mean a different experience. We'll see.
My dead plant
Yes, I know for a fact it's dead. My best friends roommate loves plants and knows a lot about them. Let's just say she has the gift of having the green thumb. Anyways, she asked my questions like how consistenly I watered it (1-2 times a day), if I gave it sunlight ( I had it outside for a couple days and its not suppose to), and questions such as those. I failed terribly and so I can see why it's dead. I gave my pot to her to see if she could maybe revive it or maybe plant something pretty like a flower. I didnt get a chance to take a picture of it before giving it to her but whenever I go over I'll take a picture to post it.
Class on Monday
I finally did my autobiography! It went well and my roommate did hers as well and I learned a few things I didnt even know about her. We discussed our last day of class!!! Wow its so close I can't believe how time flys but I dont mind right now since I just want to go home! I have only been home 2 times since coming here august 1st. Anyways, I'm pretty excited to go on this boat trip I took my little cousins and aunt and uncle when they came to visit me. I enjoyed it but it seemed like something you should only go one time to enjoy it but you never know with different people at a different time ( I went during the summer) when it's cold could mean a different experience. We'll see.
My dead plant
Yes, I know for a fact it's dead. My best friends roommate loves plants and knows a lot about them. Let's just say she has the gift of having the green thumb. Anyways, she asked my questions like how consistenly I watered it (1-2 times a day), if I gave it sunlight ( I had it outside for a couple days and its not suppose to), and questions such as those. I failed terribly and so I can see why it's dead. I gave my pot to her to see if she could maybe revive it or maybe plant something pretty like a flower. I didnt get a chance to take a picture of it before giving it to her but whenever I go over I'll take a picture to post it.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
university seminar
One more class left! i can't believe that this semester is almost over. Last time in class we listened to a few of the autobiography presentations. I didn't even know that people still had to do theirs. I thought everyone was done, but i guess not. Not a big deal. I've never been on the glass bottom boat ride so I am kind of looking forward to being on it. I hope that the weather is great on Monday so it makes the experience better.
yay! picnic!
The picnic we had in class was pretty cool. I wasn't all that hungry because I had eaten breakfast about 2 hours earlier but I ate a little bit anyways because all I had was a little cereal. The food was good.
My plant still hasn't's probably dead by now, I'm not sure though. I still water it and what not but it doesn't seem to be working.
Here it is!
My plant still hasn't's probably dead by now, I'm not sure though. I still water it and what not but it doesn't seem to be working.
Here it is!
I really enjoyed having class with everyone from my dorm this semester. We came closer as a class as the semester went by. The presentations this past Monday were interesting, but it would have been WAY better if we had done this whole "autobiography" thing at the beginning of the semester so we could have better known each other. I don't know yet if i will be able to make the boat ride on Monday since I work, but all in all this class experience was legit...sometimes. :P toooodles! see ya'll around laurel hall!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
week of 29-5
In class be watched/listened to the last of the autobiographies which were interesting. Not much else really happened in class, but thats ok.
We are planning to go to the boat tour on monday for our final class! It's been a lot of fun being in this class. I can't believe this semester is over, but I'm glad.
So I must say that I do not have a gree thumb, but I am great at growing dirt... as you can see below.
So much to do and so little time. Back to writing my Computer Science project. I am making a text based user interfaced RPG for the computer. Hope it's awesome!
See you all Monday, if not sooner!
week of 22-29
Today we had amazing food and awesome conversation. It was quite funny to see all the different "junk" foods that were brought, but totally understandable since we're in college.
I am really glad that there is a break, Finally!
I had a great break. My friend and I went to IMAX to see Harry Potter, and we hung out a lot. I also beat Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, which was awesome! Sunday I went to a Renaissance Fair North of Houston. We got up at 6 am, after going to sleep at 3 am the night before! It had amazing shows and epic shops of all different kinds.
Amtgard Update: We hadn't intended to meet for this week, however we saw the King at Ren. Fair and he gave us all an experience point for showing up!
I am really glad that there is a break, Finally!
I had a great break. My friend and I went to IMAX to see Harry Potter, and we hung out a lot. I also beat Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, which was awesome! Sunday I went to a Renaissance Fair North of Houston. We got up at 6 am, after going to sleep at 3 am the night before! It had amazing shows and epic shops of all different kinds.
Amtgard Update: We hadn't intended to meet for this week, however we saw the King at Ren. Fair and he gave us all an experience point for showing up!
Colin Beavan
Today we went to go see Colin Beavan because he is the writer and the inspiration for this years theme of sustainability. I am excited even though I have a political science exam the next day but it is okay. When I go there everyone is there and I am sure they came by force because there were too many people not paying attention. It was really heard to hear him and what he had to say since there were so many people talking. I got out of it that it is really hard for a person to be sustainable throughout and to not cut cold turkey but to do it gradually.
Make Up for the second day of class 9-13
This is the second day of class and after being at Texas State it seems that I have gotten used to the campus. It is now time to start buckling down since my first tests are really close and I want to do good in my classes. Today we were talking about education and what people think it is for like for example, it could be something to help you learn different things or for getting you ready for your career. We established that we need a diploma to be successful in society and for a better lifestyle. I am convinced that getting that diploma is just the beginning of our lives because we need to take those steps to get good career.
Make up Blog for 8-30
Today is the first day of class and I am beginning to think that this class will be stress free. We decorated name tags so Mrs. Lopez and the rest of the class can remember our names. We went over the syllabus and the requirements for the class. We went on the Texas State website and even though i have been on it she went over some stuff I did not now was there. I am ready for this year to begin and to work on some of the experimental activities that she mentioned.
November 29, 2010
Today was pretty much our last day of class because next week we go on the boat tour. This class has been a good experience and really brought us together especially during the group project. We got to listen to the rest of the people who had not done their autobiography in class which was nice. It is always great to see other people and where they come from and stuff.
Well I guess i will meet you guys at the boat dock on Monday!
Well I guess i will meet you guys at the boat dock on Monday!
Last Class...sort of
Today was really simple because we just saw some presentations that were very creative and then had to do evaluations. I have not been on the boat tour yet, so I am looking forward to that since I I trained there for scuba last friday before we got off for break. I had a relaxing thanksgiving and it was great seeing my best friend, val. She's still crazy so I know I haven't missed too much. Finals are almost here...ahhhh! This semester has gone soo fast. See everyone next class!
Monday, November 29, 2010
our last class
today was our last official class and we watched the final biography presentations and then we also talked about the experimental activities and when all of those are due. at the end of call we took a survey on the teacher and anything that we liked/disliked and anything that we would change. its crazy to think that the semister is almost over and CHRISTMAS BREAK IS ALMOST HERE!!!! O MY GOODNESS!!! thats exciting!!!
the lunch!
on november 22 we had a lunch and were supposed to bring fresh foods that were grown locally. well that didnt actually happen but it was nice to just chill out in class and just get to know others better; and the food was good! we also talked about questions that anyone had, and that was helpful because i got good information on appartments and dorms for next year. i think that i wil ltry to be an RA next year and that will be super fun! haha, yay!
Class that was cancelled!!
so i know that im really late writing this but im trying to catch up and i think this is the only one that im missing! so some of the things that i did during no impact week were: going to the farmers market, turning of all unnecessary lights, reduced driving and increased walking. it felt fulfilling because i felt as though i made a good impact on the environment. and then thre things that i got from the book, no impact man, was: the great damage that we a creating by driving cars, flying planes, and riding trains. also that there are more environmental friendly ways to get food, such as nit using plastic bags but rather the reusable bags. and finally i learned that the farmers market is a really cool place and i now know where my fruits and veggies are coming from.
Indoor Picnic

Hey everyone I really enjoyed the indoor picnic. I thought our discussion was interesting as always although I can't say I was giving my undivided attention when my face was stuffed with cookies. lol My dear ole friend here is doing quite badly and I think it'll take more than CPR to revive it. Seeing as everyones is doing the same I hope this will give the next US seminar class a chance to learn from us and to do something that would be a bit more successful. Hope Everyone had a Great Thanksgiving and got some great deals on Black Friday.
November 1st Class
Today was a little different becuase we did not go to class in the College of Education building today. We all went to career services on the fifth floor of the LBJ building. I did not realize you had to ride the elevator to get to the fifth floor and there are no stair I could find, so that was confusing. The autobiography presentations went well, but there are still a few people that need to speak, but it is not a big deal. It is already November, but it is still really hot! I also recycled my garbage today, so that was pretty cool. I am ready for next class
October 18 Class
Today we started presenting Autobiography presentations and it was cool to find out more about the people I live with and attend school with. Seems like most of us can relate to eachother through being involved in highschool. I present mine next week so hopefully I can do well on that! Other than that we finally decided on using Mint for our group project planting. I am not the best gardener, so hopefully I can make it grow. Other than that I still cannot believe how fast these weeks are going by and it is getting closer to halloween!
October 11 Class
Todays class was relaxing becuase we just discussed no impact week and just talked more about what we can do as group to become more sustainable. This enabled us to start discussing more about our group project and we finally came up with an idea. We are going to paint our own pots and grow a certain plant (has not been established yet). Hopefully we come up with that soon and get on a good foot to starting our group project! This year seems to be going by very fast and there is a lot we need to do.
11/29 class
Today's class was relaxing! We finished up presentations for the people that havn't done it. We talked about our plants and how mostly everyone mint is not growing :( even though we have been watering it and taking care of it like crazy! I can't wait for our glass bottom boat tour! it should be fun...I have never done it! I am looking foward to the christmas holidays!!!! Thanksgiving break wasn't long enough!
Mint Plant
I've been watering my mint plant since I first got it, but it doesn't seem to want to grow. I did have the little seed pop up onto the surface of the soil, but I pushed it back down, thinking it wasn't right for the seed to be on top of the soil, but i was wrong. Cheyenne said her's did that and then it started growing. Nothing has shown up again. I guess I don't have a green thumb.
October 25 make-up blog
On October 25, we went to Boko's living room for the first autobiography presentations. Everybody did a wonderful job and I really like hearing about them all. It was also my first time in Boko's Living room, I had no idea that you could sleep in there. I was little surprised.
October 18 make-up blog
On October 18, the whole classed discussed what our class project would be. Everybody had great ideas, but we decided on the individual mint plants. And good job to Cheyenne for stepping up and being a leader. And to Ariel for getting all the supplies.
October 11 make-up blog
On October 11, we didn't have class that week, but we were suppose to write about sustainability. I've been recycling since I've been here, I have a flashlight that doesn't have batteries, you just wind it up and it works, and I've been turning off the lights when I'm not using them. Ever since I've been learning about sustainability, I've been doing so much more to help the environment.
October 4 make-up blog
On October 4, our class went to the Career Center. It was a very helpful presentation. I found out that they could help me with my major. And they have all kinds of books on professional jobs and books with test in them to see what kind of job would best suit you and the job you would like.
September 27 make-up blog
On September 27, I learned about the Academic Honor Code and the best ways to study. Everyone should respect the Honor Code. In real life, you can't cheat your way out of situations, so why cheat now? I also learned study skills. The best way for me to study is in my room, by myself or with a group that is serious about studying for a test.
September 13 make-up blog
On September 13, we talked about the purpose of getting an education and the importance. Getting an eduction means getting a better job and a higher payment of money. Going to an University brings life-long learning that will be useful in the future and you learn responsibility.
November 22, Picnic/ mint plant
The picnic we had November 22 was really nice. I enjoyed all the food that everybody brought. It was my first time having Gumby's pizza, I really liked it. The picnic was a good idea, especially having it right before the break. It let everybody relax and enjoy themselves. Also, here
are my mint plant pictures. :)
November 29
I hope everybody had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break. Today, it was nice hearing the rest everybody's autobiography. They were all very interesting. And I can't wait till the glass-bottom boat ride. I think it will be a lot of fun.
Last Class
I enjoyed class today. It was nice and relaxing. I'm really looking forward to the Boat Ride. I've been on it like 5 times and I like it every time. In my last post, I was excited that my plant had sprouted, but now that sprout is looking rather wilty. :/ Maybe it'll be better over Christmas Break. I can't wait for break. I know we just got one, but I'm really excited for Christmas.
Last Day of Class
This was a nice last day of class! I'm looking forward to the boat ride, I haven't been on it yet. A lot of my friends have and they said it was pretty cool. I'm so glad classes are finally wrapping up! I can't wait for Christmas Break! It's exciting that we get about a whole month off. I keep rubbing it in my brother's face(:
(He's a junior in high school, and he only gets two weeks off.)
I liked the people's presentations who went today in class. It was a nice relaxing class...too bad more of my classes aren't like that! I have a speech hopefully that goes well.
Chelsea Lovercamp
(He's a junior in high school, and he only gets two weeks off.)
I liked the people's presentations who went today in class. It was a nice relaxing class...too bad more of my classes aren't like that! I have a speech hopefully that goes well.
Chelsea Lovercamp
class and my plant's "progress"
so class today was cool. i'm glad we finally finished all of the autobiographies and kind of wrapped up class. the glass boat tour sounds really exciting and i'm glad i get to experience with all of my awesome classmates. i need to catch up on my blogging and experiential activities because i don't know exactly where i stand on those. plant growing has been an epic fail. i did everything right... i think and nothing has sprouted. oh well. i guess we'll have to wait and see.

"Last Day In The Classroom" Class (11/29)
So class today was pretty chill. We just finished up the last few Autobiography Presentations then we discussed how next week would go. Then we filled out an evaluation for the overall class and Ms. Lopez. That was alright but I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty sick of filling all of those out for every class :| o'well the semester is almost over!! these next 2 weeks are going to be pretty tough...just study study study. So I hope I can get through everything and still have a positive attitude at the end. Oh and not be completely drained and frantic. See everyone next week for the last time at our boat ride!!
Oh, uhhh, I just found a lady bug in my I think that's good luck, right? I hope so.
Oh, uhhh, I just found a lady bug in my I think that's good luck, right? I hope so.
October 4 blog
This is one of the blogs I forgot to do. I remember during class this day I was a little dissapointed because one of the common experience speakers could not make it to her presentation, so that was unfortunate. We started discussing our group project and what exactly we were going to do for it and I think it is leaning more toward gardening or something along the lines of that. Should be interesting.
Today is class we started discussing the glass bottom boat tour. It is crazy to think we are fixing to go on in because this year has gone by so fast. We also completed our surveys for class to find out how much we liked it. My plant is still not growing. I am watering it, but I guess I am just not the gardener type. Thanksgiving was definately a break well needed, but now I am ready for Christmas break because we will have such a long time off. Once again I cannot believe how fast school has gone by.
thankful for thanksgiving :)
So last week was our contribution lunch and it was yummy! there was so much to eat and it all smelled amazing. but the real treat came when i went home on tuesday. my mom made meatloaf, which was my first homecooked meal in nearly 2 months. thursday's thanksgiving lunch was too die for. i'm thankful for my family, my wonderful boyfriend, my friends and everyone else that might have had impacted my life and made me who i am.
My plant has not sprouted yet :( but i'm going to upload some pictures after class because my computer is running so slow. I just hope it didnt die cuz i'm really scared! so just keepin my fingers crossed it'll grow soon :)
see yall in class
ashley kathleen :)
Course wrap-up post (?)
Overall, this course has been an interesting experience. I do admit that there have been days during which I would have preferred taking a long nap or playing videogames (a hobby which has significantly decrease in frequency since the semester began). However, it is a relief in comparison to several of my other classes that do not allow room for my brain to rest and enjoy learning life lessons.
One of my favorite memories in the class are realizing how easy and nice it can be to make new friends or at least learn about people. Additionally, I am thankful for our autobiography presentations being in Boko's lounge because it helped exhibit how relaxing that section of LBJ can be. Finally, I wish to create a fresh paragraph for the final favorite memory of the class. This post, whether or not it is my final one, should go out with a BANG!
THE FOOD! The stupendously scrumptious, terrifically taste bud-pleasing feast was so fantastic, I felt enlightened. It effortlessly reminded me that the "stoner pie" from Gumby's pizza is of it's own unique class. That pizza unofficially relates to the Highlander series of movies in that "there can only be one." Everyone came together in creating this gigantic meal. I knew this not only through the technical fact that the entire class was supposed to contribute something, but also because most if not all of the students put at least some of their hearts into preparing the food. The food at this banquet of the gods makes me want to salute the American flag not just for what it is intended to symbolize, but for also its symbolism of possibly the only country in which someone would combine bacon, pepperoni, french fries, and mozzarella sticks onto one absolutely unforgettable pizza pie. Just as I would die for my country if truly necessary, I would almost also die for this pizza... or rather, because of a heart attack from eating it.
Thank you and have a nice day. :) 'Nuff said.
P.S. This is how eating the stoner pie almost makes me feel:
One of my favorite memories in the class are realizing how easy and nice it can be to make new friends or at least learn about people. Additionally, I am thankful for our autobiography presentations being in Boko's lounge because it helped exhibit how relaxing that section of LBJ can be. Finally, I wish to create a fresh paragraph for the final favorite memory of the class. This post, whether or not it is my final one, should go out with a BANG!
THE FOOD! The stupendously scrumptious, terrifically taste bud-pleasing feast was so fantastic, I felt enlightened. It effortlessly reminded me that the "stoner pie" from Gumby's pizza is of it's own unique class. That pizza unofficially relates to the Highlander series of movies in that "there can only be one." Everyone came together in creating this gigantic meal. I knew this not only through the technical fact that the entire class was supposed to contribute something, but also because most if not all of the students put at least some of their hearts into preparing the food. The food at this banquet of the gods makes me want to salute the American flag not just for what it is intended to symbolize, but for also its symbolism of possibly the only country in which someone would combine bacon, pepperoni, french fries, and mozzarella sticks onto one absolutely unforgettable pizza pie. Just as I would die for my country if truly necessary, I would almost also die for this pizza... or rather, because of a heart attack from eating it.
Thank you and have a nice day. :) 'Nuff said.
P.S. This is how eating the stoner pie almost makes me feel:
Mint Plant Progress
I took my mint plant home for the Thanksgiving holiday, hoping to keep it alive...
I seem to have been kidding myself.
I found myself spending one night at my grandfather's new property, not remembering that I did not at least water my plant before leaving home. To make matters worse, I forgot of my plant's existence when until that following Sunday!
I think it is safe to say that my mint plant is probably a goner.
I seem to have been kidding myself.
I found myself spending one night at my grandfather's new property, not remembering that I did not at least water my plant before leaving home. To make matters worse, I forgot of my plant's existence when until that following Sunday!
I think it is safe to say that my mint plant is probably a goner.
The Before Thanksgiving Meeting
Honestly, my mind was on about a million other things last class as Thanksgiving break was almost there. Now, of course, it's over. But it was a blast!
I thought it was surprising how much food everyone brought, and all of it was delicious! Also I wasn't aware of the housing restriction, and though I find it a bit silly and wasn't planning on living in a house next year anyways, it's nice to know.
Now to discuss my plant:
I didn't respond quickly enough to get the group plant, nor was I at either group session (I picked up a friend from the airport the first time and had a creative writing club meeting the second). And I was going to bring it into class, but sadly on its way back from my house yesterday in the car it fell and spilled. It made a huge disgusting mess and was fairly unsalvagable (considering the pot broke). So I've come to terms with the fact that I probably won't be getting credit for the group project.
And that's fine! You win some, you lose some.
Thanksgiving Update
WEll first id like to blog about my poor mint plant that got left behind over hte break and im prety sure there is no coming back ):
(I also participated inthe first group meeting about t0he project, and was present during the meeting in Laurel hall when we planted the mint (: )
This Thanksgiving was great I enjoyed every second of faamily time and food time haha
I missed my friends and boyfriend so im glad to be back !!!!
(I also participated inthe first group meeting about t0he project, and was present during the meeting in Laurel hall when we planted the mint (: )
This Thanksgiving was great I enjoyed every second of faamily time and food time haha
I missed my friends and boyfriend so im glad to be back !!!!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sooo my plant STILL isn't growing :( I dont know what im doing wrong.. I even took it home over thanksgiving break and watered it everyday and actually put it outside and still nothing.. This is beginning to seem useless :/ However, the picnic think was super fun last week! I cant believe how close we are to the end of this semester! YAY! This class has brought me new friends and it was nice learning about what everyone was thankful for! Also, the food was DELICIOUS!!! Other people should be jealous! Hope everyone had a good break! :)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Im starting to think im a jinx.
My stupid mint plant still has yet to grow, but I did plant some seeds in a pot and left it in my house back in austin last week. I asked my mom to water it for me and it sprouted within two days. TWO DAYS. Ive had this mint plant for a while and it has yet to even look like its alive. But enough of my ranting about my failed mint plant. I really enjoyed the picnik we had last week. I had never had stoner pie before but it was pretty good. I also enjoyed hearing what everyone was thankful for. I hope everyone had a wonderul and safe Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Blog about the Collin Beavan talk-- I saw on my grade book that I did not have a blog about the common experience event, and I could have sworn that I posted about it on my blog for that week but I guess we had to have a separate one? So I will blog about it here.
The speak was really not anything near what I was expecting-- The mics did not work and he was not very engaging at all. Mostly he just repeated what he said in the book- which we had already read so it was not very interesting for me. Comparatively when I saw the No impact man documentary they showed-- at the one in Round Rock- he was much more interesting of a person. I did stay after for the q&a, but most the question where not that interesting to hear about. Some girl asked about the toilet paper situation and that just made him mad.
Week of September 27th
This day we had talked about strategies for learning-- I think this was the day the girl from Sack came and talked to us. It was good because we got to learn about all the things they had to offer such as the writing center. She gave us tips for studying and how to make the most of our time so that was useful information to have. She told us where in the Libary to go study and gave us a list of numbers for all the places that can help us with school work.
Week of September 20th
I am going back and re blogging for the days I missed, That day in class we talked about readings we had done in our university experience book. I remember discussing the traditions of texas state and thinking it was cool we had our own flower and the history of the victor star on jackson was also neat.
I have been trying to water my plant as much as needed, I water it every few days keeping the soil moist. I don't know what to do with it over break really, so I hope it doesn't die if I leave it here. Class was cool the other day, we got to eat and everyone brought really good food. The conversation about housing next year was important to me, I need to figure out where I am going to live because I was planning on moving into a house with some friends, but the town is dumb and does not allow that. D:
My Mint Plant
My mint plant has been something I was looking forward to have grown in my dorm room but it has still not grown any. When I got my pot, painted it, put the soil and the seeds in it i was super excited about the possible plant inside my room. I have watered and also have given it sunlight so it can grow but still nothing but i will not give up and keep doing what i am doing so maybe there will be some growth.
November 22, 2010
In class today we had our own little picnic, where each of us would bring something to eat. It was a great way to have the class do something together and let us talk about what we are thankful for. I was thankful for my family and friends back home and also for the friends I have met here at Texas State. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving break and I am so glad that I will be going home.
Monday, November 22, 2010
this was the first day of the autobiography presentations. i got to know a lot more about my classmates. There are a lot of interesting people in our class that i would love to get to know better, i found out more about people and where they are from! i had never been in Boko's Living Room before this it seemed like a really nice place to relax and get some rest!! i could really use some sleep so maybe sometime i will go chill in there with all the other people!
makeup (1st class) 8/30
the first day of class we made name plates so Mrs. Lopez could get to know us. she told us about the experiential activities we have to do. I am glad this class is on a monday so we can start the week out great! Mrs. Lopez told us about how Colin Beaven will be ccoming to speak to us about his book that we read over the summer. I thought it would be really interesting to see how his life has changed a year later after writing it.
makeup (2nd class) 9/13
i posted it on TRACS blog after the 9/13 class.
i posted it on TRACS blog after the 9/13 class.
Lunch/plant progress
todays class was really good we ate a lot of non-healthy food! everyone brought something for lunch. we discussed what we were thankful for during hi/low's. i am thankful for meeting so many great people my first semester of college! i cant wait to go home this week for thanksgiving...i miss all of my family and friends a lot! it will be a much needed break!
my plant is not growing at all! I hope it will soon cause i really want some fresh mint!
Class Lunch 11/22 ; My plant progress
Class Lunch
So today we had our wonderful lunch in the classroom. It was fun just eating horribly greasy yet delicious food and talking about what we are thankful for. :) I hope this week at home feels longer than just 5 days...I'm more than ready for this break and I can't wait to catch up on sleep. I can't wait to see all of my family and eat lots and lots of home cooked food. I'm so sick of Jone's. I hope everyone has a safe drive (or flight) home and back.
^If you look super close in the center there's a tiny little sprout. But you probably can't see it^
that'ssssss my plant.

Plant Progress

I had fun in today's class! eating and what not. It would've been nicer if we had done it as planned though. Anyway my plant has a little ball coming out of it FTW!!! I didn't know that I had to talk to it though; now i know!
here are some pictures of mine and maggie's plants!

Lol okay its backwards but mine is the bigger one and maggie's is the small one

Mine :D
here are some pictures of mine and maggie's plants!
Lol okay its backwards but mine is the bigger one and maggie's is the small one
Mine :D
Update on my Plant
Well if you noticed in melissa's blog, she posted pictures of our plants that have still not grown much, but I have hope! I talk to my plant everyday. Sometimes in spanish...I just want it to hear encouraging things. I named it Riley, well actually this girl in my hall did, but I liked the name. I hope it'll grow sometime soon and I think I'm going to take it home during break so it gets water. More updates to come!
The picnic today was fun! It was nice having a class where we just talked and ate! All the food people brought was really good. Not very healthy, but hey it's not going to kill us! (:
I've been watering my plant everyday still. I am really hoping it sprouts soon! I hope I did not some how accidently kill it. I am going to bring it home with me over Thanksgiving Break so it wont die while I am gone.
Chelsea Lovercamp
I've been watering my plant everyday still. I am really hoping it sprouts soon! I hope I did not some how accidently kill it. I am going to bring it home with me over Thanksgiving Break so it wont die while I am gone.
Chelsea Lovercamp
The US 1100 Meal
Today's class was a nice change of activity, for we devoured several "Stoner Pies," in addition to all of the food that my classmates and I brought. I cannot find much to say about class today. It was nice to hear what my classmates are excited about and thankful for. I hope that everyone going somewhere for the holidays has a safe trip there and back.
PICNIC...sort of
I really enjoyed our little class picnic today, although it wasn't much of a picnic really because 1) we were inside and 2) we were sitting in chairs. Any how, Im really glad we kind of wrapped up our time together doing something fun that everyone could get involved in.
August 30 blog
Hi Mrs. Lopez,
In class that week, we talked about what the common experience was going to include for the semester and we went over the syllabus. What the activities meant, the glass-bottom boat ride, our class project and our autobiographies.
-Jessie Allovio
The week of 15-22
So many things going on, images swirling, swords twirling, formulas dancing, chaos. This was my week. I have a hard time knowing what day it is from one to the next in my chaotic blur. Doing homework through tomorrow, or is it today; maybe yesterday?
For class we were supposed to bring food of some kind to share as a collective group. Keith and I decided to go to the HEB Plus in Kyle. We decided on bringing cheeses and little sausages. I chose to bring the cheese and crackers. For these I chose extra sharp chedder (because they didnt have smoked chedder) and veggie crackers. It was good.
As for a quick Amtgard update: We had a goblin battle for our shire against a group of goblins which should have been easy to kill but sadly our Shire was over run by goblins, we all died. (For those who think I'm talking about a board game I'm actually talking about a role-playing sport called Amtgard, and the people who were goblins litterally out numbered us and we all lost all our lives).
For class we were supposed to bring food of some kind to share as a collective group. Keith and I decided to go to the HEB Plus in Kyle. We decided on bringing cheeses and little sausages. I chose to bring the cheese and crackers. For these I chose extra sharp chedder (because they didnt have smoked chedder) and veggie crackers. It was good.
As for a quick Amtgard update: We had a goblin battle for our shire against a group of goblins which should have been easy to kill but sadly our Shire was over run by goblins, we all died. (For those who think I'm talking about a board game I'm actually talking about a role-playing sport called Amtgard, and the people who were goblins litterally out numbered us and we all lost all our lives).
This counts as one of my blog posts due last week:
It is funny how such a simple project can suddenly reveal some complexity. I signed up to bring an appetizer for our class' "picnic." One simple question came to mind: "What should I cook?"
I was promptly bombarded with billions of bite-sized options, lightly tugging at my pants' leg and screaming, "PICK ME PICK ME!"
After an expedition through the mostly-edible jungle of H-E-B, I found myself atop a revelation. SMOKEY SAUSAGES! These juicy, little snacks are an excellent choice for an appetizer, when prepared correctly for the correct entree. In my opinion, these sausages should go incredibly well with a "stoner pie," the holy grail of pizza from Gumby's Pizza. It is topped with pepperoni, bacon, mozzarella sticks, and french fries!
I hope that my class likes smokey sausages, for I bought many!
It is funny how such a simple project can suddenly reveal some complexity. I signed up to bring an appetizer for our class' "picnic." One simple question came to mind: "What should I cook?"
I was promptly bombarded with billions of bite-sized options, lightly tugging at my pants' leg and screaming, "PICK ME PICK ME!"
After an expedition through the mostly-edible jungle of H-E-B, I found myself atop a revelation. SMOKEY SAUSAGES! These juicy, little snacks are an excellent choice for an appetizer, when prepared correctly for the correct entree. In my opinion, these sausages should go incredibly well with a "stoner pie," the holy grail of pizza from Gumby's Pizza. It is topped with pepperoni, bacon, mozzarella sticks, and french fries!
I hope that my class likes smokey sausages, for I bought many!
Plant Update
This counts as one of my blog posts due last week:
It seems that most of my University Seminar class has had no noticeable progress with their plants' growth; Mine is no exception.
I have watered my plant about once or twice each day, having placed it next to my room's window for a light source. Additionally, it is next to the air conditioning unit without being constantly assaulted by the cold air it exhales. This provides vibrations which should, in theory, stimulate plant growth.
It is beyond me as to why this plant is hiding from this beautiful, beautiful world.
It seems that most of my University Seminar class has had no noticeable progress with their plants' growth; Mine is no exception.
I have watered my plant about once or twice each day, having placed it next to my room's window for a light source. Additionally, it is next to the air conditioning unit without being constantly assaulted by the cold air it exhales. This provides vibrations which should, in theory, stimulate plant growth.
It is beyond me as to why this plant is hiding from this beautiful, beautiful world.
Class Lunch-In
Today was really fun :] I enjoyed getting to eat during class because usually I am hungry during this class anyway. I struggled to make my dessert last night since we don't have a full kitchen, but I was inventive and found a way to make my cookies. I didn't really like the stoner pie pizza, well it was alright, but the french fries on top were a different experience. I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving and we're almost done with the semester! Yayyy!
Picnic/ Plant
I wasn't in class today, but I heard it was fun. Sorry I missed out. Since I wasn't there, I can't talk about whatever you did talk about, so I'm gonna talk about my plant. It sprouted! I'm excited that I didn't end up killing it. It's a tiny sprout but it's definitely there. I've been watering it once a day and it doesn't get too much sunlight. I'm going to keep this up and hopefully it'll grow even taller. :)
make up blog for 10/25
So our time in Boko's living room was interesting. I loved getting to know a little about everyone and where they came from. We have so many different people in our class and I only have a hand full of them in my other classes so it was great getting to know them better and started talkin more in other classes. I got lost the first dayy on my dayy to Boko's living room and had to ask for directions but I found it perfectly fine the second dayy. I didnt even know that whole section behind Blimpies existed before presentations haha well i hope yall are all having a great week!
ashley kathleen :)
make up blog from 9/13
So going back through the blog I realized Mrs. Lopoez was right and I am missing blogs... gotta love when things dont post when you think they do. So makin up for our second class meeting after labor day... We had a few readings that were due that dayy and our class talked about getting a college degree and what the importance of a degree is now a days. I came to college because there was never really any question I would get a degree but honestly in order to get a decent job one must have a college degree.
ashley kathleen :)
before break!
last weeks talk about what everyone had going on was kinda nice cuz i realized i wasnt alone with all my tests and whatnot. i look forward to our class meeting today with all of our food. jordan, sagar and i were all down in the 2nd floor kitchen this mornin cookin away and it smelled really good :) thanksgiving is right around the corner and i cant wait for a good homecooked meal.
wishing all of you a happy thanksgiving
ashley kathleen :)
Last Class- November 15th
so last class we talked about leadership and what it means to us. we also talked about if we think if we are leaders and by the end of the semister we all hope to feel as though we are leaders. we talked about the lunch and how we are going to meet in the classroom and then go outside and eat lunch somewhere else. thats all!
My Mint!!
So I am extremely proud of my baby (my mint plant) and I can finally say that I saw a tiny little leaf sprout this weekend!! See you all tomorrow at our cute little family lunch =)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Plant Progress
My plant does not seem to be growing well, but I am continuing to water it and see if I can get it to grow at all. There just is not too much sun, but on a positive note I am ready for our lunch in class tomorrow!
makeup blogs
I was extremely sick during this class! Apparently, we all discussed diversity, an important issue. I don't see colour when I think about people! Also, I had no idea we were planting the plants this night :( I really feel like I missed out and I hope I can make it up... Another thing that was said in this lecture was who was bringing what for the picnic on 11/22. I can bring something, I just didn't sign up!!! I will bring something, i pwomise!
We met in BOKO's living room once again to see presentations. I think it's cool that we have a place like that on campus that students can just come in to a quiet place and relax (and even take a nap). I enjoy learning about my classmates! Most of their life stories are quite interesting. I can't wait to present my presentation on 11/29. I heard that most people painted their pots but I have no idea where my plant/pot is... I never picked it up. hopefully that can be changed!
We went to BOKO's living room to hear autobiography presentations. They are quite interesting!! I like hearing about people's childhood and high school experiences. Usually I can tell if people are well-acclimated to college yet by what tone of voice they talk about their home in.
I was not present in this class, but I heard it was pretty confusing, so I don't think I missed much. Mad props to Cheyenne for really stepping up. She really shows some leadership qualities!! I think the project the class ended up doing was a great sustainability project! Yay for mint plants! hopefully they are native to Texas, because it wouldn't be very sustainable if we planted invasive plants on our campus!
We did not have class this day, so I believe we were supposed to write about sustainability week. I checked out the farmer's market and bought some extremely fresh okra (one of my faves), didn't use any elevators, and didn't use Styrofoam. I think that sustainability is a great theme to have for this academic school year. I assume that the latest "green" craze is in response to the recent attention given to global warming. Anyways, I felt much better about myself, and my impact on this earth.
Unfortunately, I was not able to come to the career services lecture. However, I already know what I want to do, career-wise. I would like to get a degree in Wildlife Biology from Texas State University, then hopefully travel and study some more, find some kind of research job. Then I want to go back to school and eventually settle down and become a zoo veterinarian and have a family of my own. That's the plan! I'm hoping I can make a decent salary, but if not, I know I will be working with animals, so I will be happy.
The SLAC presenter was pretty helpful! I didn't know that if you suck on peppermints, it's easier to remember things. Although, it does make sense if you think about it. You would associate that fact or study material with the taste of a peppermint. I think? Anyways, I thought it was helpful to hear some nice study tips, even though I had heard most of them before.
on the 20th, we discussed about the "no impact week." we heard some creative ideas about how to conserve energy and be less harsh on the environment. An idea I liked was hanging your clothes up on a line instead of putting them in a dryer. I liked our ideas for our group project! It's already been decided and done with that we plant mint plants. I think it's great what we are doing for the environment by introducing some nice oxygen producers!!
Labor day?
I was extremely sick during this class! Apparently, we all discussed diversity, an important issue. I don't see colour when I think about people! Also, I had no idea we were planting the plants this night :( I really feel like I missed out and I hope I can make it up... Another thing that was said in this lecture was who was bringing what for the picnic on 11/22. I can bring something, I just didn't sign up!!! I will bring something, i pwomise!
We met in BOKO's living room once again to see presentations. I think it's cool that we have a place like that on campus that students can just come in to a quiet place and relax (and even take a nap). I enjoy learning about my classmates! Most of their life stories are quite interesting. I can't wait to present my presentation on 11/29. I heard that most people painted their pots but I have no idea where my plant/pot is... I never picked it up. hopefully that can be changed!
We went to BOKO's living room to hear autobiography presentations. They are quite interesting!! I like hearing about people's childhood and high school experiences. Usually I can tell if people are well-acclimated to college yet by what tone of voice they talk about their home in.
I was not present in this class, but I heard it was pretty confusing, so I don't think I missed much. Mad props to Cheyenne for really stepping up. She really shows some leadership qualities!! I think the project the class ended up doing was a great sustainability project! Yay for mint plants! hopefully they are native to Texas, because it wouldn't be very sustainable if we planted invasive plants on our campus!
We did not have class this day, so I believe we were supposed to write about sustainability week. I checked out the farmer's market and bought some extremely fresh okra (one of my faves), didn't use any elevators, and didn't use Styrofoam. I think that sustainability is a great theme to have for this academic school year. I assume that the latest "green" craze is in response to the recent attention given to global warming. Anyways, I felt much better about myself, and my impact on this earth.
Unfortunately, I was not able to come to the career services lecture. However, I already know what I want to do, career-wise. I would like to get a degree in Wildlife Biology from Texas State University, then hopefully travel and study some more, find some kind of research job. Then I want to go back to school and eventually settle down and become a zoo veterinarian and have a family of my own. That's the plan! I'm hoping I can make a decent salary, but if not, I know I will be working with animals, so I will be happy.
The SLAC presenter was pretty helpful! I didn't know that if you suck on peppermints, it's easier to remember things. Although, it does make sense if you think about it. You would associate that fact or study material with the taste of a peppermint. I think? Anyways, I thought it was helpful to hear some nice study tips, even though I had heard most of them before.
on the 20th, we discussed about the "no impact week." we heard some creative ideas about how to conserve energy and be less harsh on the environment. An idea I liked was hanging your clothes up on a line instead of putting them in a dryer. I liked our ideas for our group project! It's already been decided and done with that we plant mint plants. I think it's great what we are doing for the environment by introducing some nice oxygen producers!!
Labor day?
Class 11/15 and plant
The subject of this class was leadership. It is important to know the qualities of a leader. A good leader has an exemplary character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. A good leader “walks the talk” and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect for the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.
I have yet to see my plant :( I wish I could have seen it before it was planted!!! Maybe to make up for it, I could buy my own plant and do the whole thing myself instead of with the group. I will have to see what I can do.
I have yet to see my plant :( I wish I could have seen it before it was planted!!! Maybe to make up for it, I could buy my own plant and do the whole thing myself instead of with the group. I will have to see what I can do.
So my plant is not growing just like pretty much everyone else in class. Hopefully it starts growing soon. I'm excited for this picnic because i'm always hungry in class and we get to eat with each other! It will be cool! We talked about leadership last class, it was interesting. There are so many different attributes that make a person a leader. Basically if anyone puts their mind to it, they can be a leader.
Collin Beaven
After reading his book, I had some respect for this man for pursuing a cause that he fully believed in. I felt the emotions he did as I read his book. He rose up to the challenge at hand that is human consumption and tried to find a way to help it's effect on the environment. He seemed like a noble character with many leadership qualities. However, seeing him on stage made me think otherwise. I thought he would be inspiring students to act, but he was merely talking about his own experiences. I suppose in his own way, his experiences did inspire students, but I fully expected him to engage the students and encourage them to find their own way to help Earth and it's inhabitants, but it just wasn't the case. I felt very disappointed after watching him speak, and I don't think I've ever seen so many phone screens out in rows in front of me during a presentation.
make up blogs
I was extremely sick during this class! Apparently, we all discussed diversity, an important issue. I don't see colour when I think about people! Also, I had no idea we were planting the plants this night :( I really feel like I missed out and I hope I can make it up... Another thing that was said in this lecture was who was bringing what for the picnic on 11/22. I can bring something, I just didn't sign up!!! I will bring something, i pwomise!
We met in BOKO's living room once again to see presentations. I think it's cool that we have a place like that on campus that students can just come in to a quiet place and relax (and even take a nap). I enjoy learning about my classmates! Most of their life stories are quite interesting. I can't wait to present my presentation on 11/29. I heard that most people painted their pots but I have no idea where my plant/pot is... I never picked it up. hopefully that can be changed!
We went to BOKO's living room to hear autobiography presentations. They are quite interesting!! I like hearing about people's childhood and high school experiences. Usually I can tell if people are well-acclimated to college yet by what tone of voice they talk about their home in.
I was not present in this class, but I heard it was pretty confusing, so I don't think I missed much. Mad props to Cheyenne for really stepping up. She really shows some leadership qualities!! I think the project the class ended up doing was a great sustainability project! Yay for mint plants! hopefully they are native to Texas, because it wouldn't be very sustainable if we planted invasive plants on our campus!
We did not have class this day, so I believe we were supposed to write about sustainability week. I checked out the farmer's market and bought some extremely fresh okra (one of my faves), didn't use any elevators, and didn't use Styrofoam. I think that sustainability is a great theme to have for this academic school year. I assume that the latest "green" craze is in response to the recent attention given to global warming. Anyways, I felt much better about myself, and my impact on this earth.
Unfortunately, I was not able to come to the career services lecture. However, I already know what I want to do, career-wise. I would like to get a degree in Wildlife Biology from Texas State University, then hopefully travel and study some more, find some kind of research job. Then I want to go back to school and eventually settle down and become a zoo veterinarian and have a family of my own. That's the plan! I'm hoping I can make a decent salary, but if not, I know I will be working with animals, so I will be happy.
The SLAC presenter was pretty helpful! I didn't know that if you suck on peppermints, it's easier to remember things. Although, it does make sense if you think about it. You would associate that fact or study material with the taste of a peppermint. I think? Anyways, I thought it was helpful to hear some nice study tips, even though I had heard most of them before.
on the 20th, we discussed about the "no impact week." we heard some creative ideas about how to conserve energy and be less harsh on the environment. An idea I liked was hanging your clothes up on a line instead of putting them in a dryer. I liked our ideas for our group project! It's already been decided and done with that we plant mint plants. I think it's great what we are doing for the environment by introducing some nice oxygen producers!!
Labor day?
I was extremely sick during this class! Apparently, we all discussed diversity, an important issue. I don't see colour when I think about people! Also, I had no idea we were planting the plants this night :( I really feel like I missed out and I hope I can make it up... Another thing that was said in this lecture was who was bringing what for the picnic on 11/22. I can bring something, I just didn't sign up!!! I will bring something, i pwomise!
We met in BOKO's living room once again to see presentations. I think it's cool that we have a place like that on campus that students can just come in to a quiet place and relax (and even take a nap). I enjoy learning about my classmates! Most of their life stories are quite interesting. I can't wait to present my presentation on 11/29. I heard that most people painted their pots but I have no idea where my plant/pot is... I never picked it up. hopefully that can be changed!
We went to BOKO's living room to hear autobiography presentations. They are quite interesting!! I like hearing about people's childhood and high school experiences. Usually I can tell if people are well-acclimated to college yet by what tone of voice they talk about their home in.
I was not present in this class, but I heard it was pretty confusing, so I don't think I missed much. Mad props to Cheyenne for really stepping up. She really shows some leadership qualities!! I think the project the class ended up doing was a great sustainability project! Yay for mint plants! hopefully they are native to Texas, because it wouldn't be very sustainable if we planted invasive plants on our campus!
We did not have class this day, so I believe we were supposed to write about sustainability week. I checked out the farmer's market and bought some extremely fresh okra (one of my faves), didn't use any elevators, and didn't use Styrofoam. I think that sustainability is a great theme to have for this academic school year. I assume that the latest "green" craze is in response to the recent attention given to global warming. Anyways, I felt much better about myself, and my impact on this earth.
Unfortunately, I was not able to come to the career services lecture. However, I already know what I want to do, career-wise. I would like to get a degree in Wildlife Biology from Texas State University, then hopefully travel and study some more, find some kind of research job. Then I want to go back to school and eventually settle down and become a zoo veterinarian and have a family of my own. That's the plan! I'm hoping I can make a decent salary, but if not, I know I will be working with animals, so I will be happy.
The SLAC presenter was pretty helpful! I didn't know that if you suck on peppermints, it's easier to remember things. Although, it does make sense if you think about it. You would associate that fact or study material with the taste of a peppermint. I think? Anyways, I thought it was helpful to hear some nice study tips, even though I had heard most of them before.
on the 20th, we discussed about the "no impact week." we heard some creative ideas about how to conserve energy and be less harsh on the environment. An idea I liked was hanging your clothes up on a line instead of putting them in a dryer. I liked our ideas for our group project! It's already been decided and done with that we plant mint plants. I think it's great what we are doing for the environment by introducing some nice oxygen producers!!
Labor day?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
My mint plant wont grow ):
and its really annoying me. Ive talked to it, watered it, and left it in the window to get some sun but not too much. I am not really sure if I am just impatient or what but I am pretty excited to have a plant in my room. I am also stoked about this whole picnick thing. I will be making cookies... or brownines... or something that I can actually make in that tiny little "kitchen" we have in Laurel. If anyone has something that they would REALLY like me to bring let me know and ill see what I can do. If not, just deal with cookies!
My Mint Plant
Well I have yet to see any progress with my mint plant. It is kind of sad because I was really exciting to have a plant in my room. I always wanted real flowers and tried to convince Melissa but she's pretty sure we'd kill them and I know eventually I would... so we got rid of that idea. I have been watering my plant and showing it some sun light, but that could be the problem. I really don't know. I'm excited for our lunch because I am making cookies and I like to cook :] or bake in this case.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
My Plant
Well, i've been watering my plant everyday and nothings come up yet, except, one of my seeds come through to the top of the soil and it looks like a yellow/ green ball. I re-dug a whole for it and covered it back up with soil. I hope I did everything right for my plant.
make up blog for 10/18
So I was excited about planting from the very beginning. I've been saying that I wanted a plant in my dorm room for forever and now I'm glad that I have one. Before we planted our mint, I have some fake flowers because I though I would kill real ones, so we'll see how well my mint does. haha
So I was excited about planting from the very beginning. I've been saying that I wanted a plant in my dorm room for forever and now I'm glad that I have one. Before we planted our mint, I have some fake flowers because I though I would kill real ones, so we'll see how well my mint does. haha
make up blog for 10/4
so this was the day that we went and visited the career center. I really enjoyed how nice the lady was that talked to us. She genuinel semeemed to care about her job and the students who went and got help from her. The colorful handouts about the different majors offered here were really helpful. I read through the one about psychology because at the time I wasn't sure if I should change my major or not and it was very reassuring. I'm glad we got the chance to see what career services was all about and I will definitely go see them if I need help.
make up blog for 9/6
So thinking back to the first day of class, all I remember was be nervous...probably because I was nervous about everything dealing with school then. haha
I know that I was excited to have a class with all freshman because I wouldn't feel dumb if I had a question. I was also glad that I was going to have a fairly easy class compared to some of my others... poli sci...
Going into it, I had no idea why I was even required to take a seminar class or what we would be doing, but now I can see its benefits.
I know that I was excited to have a class with all freshman because I wouldn't feel dumb if I had a question. I was also glad that I was going to have a fairly easy class compared to some of my others... poli sci...
Going into it, I had no idea why I was even required to take a seminar class or what we would be doing, but now I can see its benefits.
Im glad class was productive this week! I love doing the highs and lows! In my high school, we used to have this class called teen leadership and we did that every day.. I loved that class :) Sooo the status on my mint plant is umm how can i put this, not alive i guess? Its not growing and i water it every day and sometimes twice a day! I keep it in my window so the sun shines on it but i just dont understand :( I wish there was some magical way i could convince it to grow! Oh well, Also, I cant wait for our picnic think next week! It'll be a ton of fun! But i would perfer to have it inside because it'll be cold and we wont have to deal with bugs and stuff (gross)! And i'm glad the boat trip was settled because I was worried about my class at 9 when the syllabus said it was during then! Cant wait! :)
In class this week, we talked about leadership. Its hard for me to see myself in a leadership position here at Tx State because there are so many people and its easy to just get involved but then fade into the background. In high school I can come up with about a dozen times when I was a prominant leader, but now its not so easy. I think that one thing we discussed that was important was how you can be a leader without necessarily holding a position. Leaders are more than just their title, they are the people who we look up to a role models and look up to.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Class and plant progress
My plant does not seem to be going good. It is not growing so much, but there is not much you can do when it is 50 degrees outside. Hopefully I will see some progress sooner rather than later. I am ready for our class lunch becuase I always get really hungry in class, so that is a plus!
Class 11/15
Today in class we talked on the topic of leadership which was interesting because sometimes we can take good leaders for granted, but I wish we would have touched on the subject of Bad Leaders more. Leadership intrests me because most of the time we seem to highlight leaders failures and short coming when they may have just had so much to take care of, like in the case of George Bush.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Plants & Class
Today, class was pretty fun! I really enjoyed being able to hear everyone's highs and lows of the week. That's my favorite part about class. :) Our discussion on leadership really got me thinking. It has never really occurred to me that you can be a leader without having an official position. YAY for learning new things. I would like to take on a leadership role sometime this year, I think that could help me grow as a person and prepare me for life after college. I don't know about any of you, BUT my plant isn't growing at all. Maybe tomorrow I will see cute little sprouts of mint emerging from the soil. Cool to think about. What else? Our class+lunch on the 22nd=AWESOMENESS. I cannot wait to cook pizza rolls for everyone. It's my best dish. Okay. I'm now rambling on about nothing because I'm in the library bored out of my mind. Hopefully you all are having a better night. Oh yeah, sleepy time yeah.
Mint Plant Progress
So my plant isn't making any progress. It's kind of sad...but I water it frequently. Maybe a little too much. Hopefully it will sprout soon. I didn't think about the ride home until Meghan wrote about that on the blog. I also have a 3 1/2 to 4 hour car ride home for Thanksgiving. That should be interesting... But even if the plant doesn't ever sprout, I enjoyed the painting and the planting.
Class 11/15 Topic: Leadership
Today class was pretty good. At first, we did highs and lows which is cool. It breaks the ice and opens us up for casual conversations between all of us on topics we are all dealing with. Then we went on to discuss what was on the syllabus, once again. I feel like that takes a huge chunk out of our class time, but I suppose some people aren't used to being responsible for something that's not reiterated to them on multiple occasions. Given, the boat ride time was wrong, so that probably should have only been the circumstance in which we would discussed the syllabus since the first day. But whatever, I guess the semester is almost over so it doesn't matter. I enjoyed our leadership discussion. It was interesting to see what everyone else thought were important qualities in a leader. See you all at our lunch next week =)
I am glad we got out boat tour sorted out today in class because the time was wrong on our syllabus. I am hoping it will not be too cold out on the boat that day nor on the 22nd when we have our picnic type thing. We talked about leadership today in class, it was interesting I suppose we talked about different ways that you can be a leader with out knowing about it really. I missed class the week before because I didn't feel well so I am going to have to present my biography another day because even though I actually signed up and was prepared on my day we ran out of time.
Mint plant
We planted out mints plants last sunday, My pots rather cute looking. I have been watering it every couple days and its sitting in my window so I hope it will grow. I am not to great with plants I already killed one of my plants so I am hoping this one will grow and actually live to some thing decent. I thought I had almost all my blogs done, but apearantly nottt so I am going to go back through and look at them I guess and re post for them.
11/15 class
Today during class we went over our highs/lows. Then we discussed the boat tour that is december 6th and our picnic that is next monday! I am excited about our picnic, I hope that we have nice weather so we can sit outside and have a good time! We had a great discussion in class today about leadership. most of the class didnt raise their hands when Ms. Lopez asked if we are leaders. i fwe really think about it, i think we can all come up with a way that we have been leaders during our first semester of college. I have been a leader in my english class when i had to lead a class discussion. Well I am really looking foward to our next class together!!!!
Todays Class
We finally went over everyones highs and lows which is something we have not done in a while, so that was pretty fun. My plant does not seem to be growing so I do not know what is up with that, but I guess ill try watering it more. Today was a good discussion on leadership which is a quality that not everyone pocesses becuase leadership is everyones own definition of someone who takes control. Hopefully I can become more of a leader this semester.
I'm actually excited for our picnic next Monday! I am just a little confused about the whole taking pictures of our plants. Can we post them here? Or how does that go? I'm also a little disappointed on how Mrs. Lopez does not reply to our e-mails. I'll probably get the answer from one of our classmates! Bon voyage!
No Class= September 6th...
I have no idea if we were suppose to blog for the class we missed during labor day but here it is since I can't find the other two blogs I missed...
Labor day was cool, I got to see our football team play against U of H since I live close to Houston. It was nice to see my family and my best friend since she stayed at home to go to a local college. It was nice to slowly transition but I was ready to leave as soon as I got to be home for a day because I felt like I should be home.
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