US 1100 Section 01 at Texas State
This blog will be used for discussion/comments from members of the US 1100 Section 01 for Fall 2010.
Friday, December 24, 2010
makeup: Last Day!
The boat tour was so much fun! Almost didn't make it but luckily, after sprinting across campus with Melissa Christy and Jackie, barely caught the boat. I loved getting to see everything so clearly underwater- the springs, fish, turtles, plants... and learning about the history of the park. I thought it helped reinforce the whole sustainability theme. The tourguides were really informative and pretty funny too. Lovely way to end the semester:) I'm gonna miss our class!
makeup: Plant re-cap/Presentations
Was a really relaxing, laid back class. Unfortunately no one seemed to be having any luck with their plants... Mine definitely never grew. At all. Buut hey I might try to plant something else with my pot/soil. The rest of the presentations went well too! I was afraid we weren't gonna get through everyone but I'm glad I got to learn a little more about the people who hadn't gone 'til then
makeup: Picnic!
Ohh so much great food at the potluck this week! Really wish we could've had the picnic outside though :/ or a lot more classes outside would've been nice for that matter. Anyways, that was my first time having Gumby's pizza- which was amaazing. And I definitely had way too many cookies. But oh well! It was fun just getting to relax and talk with the girls at my table:)
makeup: Plants/"Leadership"
Really enjoyed the discussion this day. It was interesting hearing everyone's take on what it means to be a leader. Along with the rest of the class, I agreed that being a leader means a lot more than what 'position' you hold or how much power or wealth you have. A leader is a follower (humble, listens, considerate, open-minded), but also determined, persevering, and strong.
As for the plant, not much progress :/ Been watering it 2-3 times a day and left it outside in the sun on the windowsill buut still no bud!
makeup: Autobio's #2
Got to class a little late that day but luckily just in time for my presentation! Was a little nervous buut finally got to know everyone in the class well enough to feel comfortable speaking. I tried to do something a little different, presentation-wise, in a sustainable way, and ended up making a poster out of newspapers taped together with pictures/labels on it. I had fun making it and presenting and everyone in the class was so supportive and encouraging:)
makeup: Autobio's
The first round of autobiography presentations went really well! It was fun meeting in Boko's Living Room with everyone and getting to learn more about everybody in the class. I have a lot more in common with classmates than I thought and the presentations helped me get to know em more. I was hoping to see more out-of-the-box presentations but the powerpoints were still very creative!
makeup: SLAC Presenter
The SLAC presenter was really helpful and had a lot of good advice. After learning about all the free helpful labs/locations on campus, I'd used ITAC to fix my laptop; the Comm Lab to practice my speech; and SLAC to review for my math tests. These really helped my study habits along with my grades:)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
No Impact Man Speaking
This is my make up for not blogging about this event. Going to listen to Collin Beaven talk was pretty cool. I cant believe he could do all of that no impact stuff. However, and i know its kinda sad but not very many people were listening to him speak. It was kinda like we were just forced to go otherwise we would get a failing grade in our class or not get the hour for residential college. I thought it was nice and hearing his view point on a lot of different things was facinating but i could never do it. He's such an inspiration though!
Boat Tour
Today we went on the boat tour in the Aquarena Springs. This was pretty cool because i had never done it before. Even though i've seen fish before, it was nice learning about the endangered ones and learning about all the endangered plants. I didnt know plants could be endangered. haha. I cant believe class is already over! too bad we already have finals though :( Oh well! i just wanted to wish everyone a good break and good luck on their finals!
Boat Tour!!
Last day of class & we went on the boat tour! I thought
it was really neat to hear about the history behind
it and San Marcos in general. I can't believe
I scuba dived (dove?) in Aquarena but that
makes it really neat. Finals are this week!
Eeek. Good Luck everyone!
& Happy Holidays!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Boat Tour FTW!!
I had fun on the boat tour! I just wish I knew what blog entries I have missed because I have checked several times and I have yet to stumble upon one that I have missed. Anyway it was a nice day outside for the boat ride. Hope everyone had a great semester! See ya'll around :)
So today is the last real day of class before our boat ride, which I hear is really cool. Its cool that the last people got to present their autobiography’s in class... other than that it was a pretty cool day.
So today i gave my autobiography which was cool... I didn’t realize the diversity of the campus, as far as home towns go. I noticed some of the people are from San Antonio which i didn’t know before that. Thumbs up for stage fright!
Boat tour
So today we went on a that boat ride, which was fun.. I didn’t realize the amount of endangered animals we have around San Marcos so that was really cool
So the boat ride was fun. It was way different than how I remembered it. I enjoyed what the tour guides had to say about working there. I've actually been looking for an educational job and this one might be perfect.
My plant has grown and I'm very sorry to those of you who haven't had such luck.
Good Luck on Finals!
My plant has grown and I'm very sorry to those of you who haven't had such luck.
Good Luck on Finals!
Boat Ride
So today we went on the boat ride! It was super fun and it was definitely a good experience and I'm glad we could all do it together :) It was interesting to learn a little more about San Marcos and the wonderful river. It was kind of chilly but I liked it. Plus, we were pretty cozy so it worked! This was our last time altogether and I think it was pretty awesome! So this will be our last blog opportunity! So I hope everyone does well on their finals and has an awesome, safe winter break!! And I hope you all enjoy the Spring semester also! See ya on the flip side....hahahaha Also, I kind of like this blogging thing so I'm thinking about making my own =)
The glass bottom boat ride was today. It was cool, I liked seeing the different vegetation and fish that are in the river. It was interesting actually seeing the springs feed water into the river. It was a majestic experience that I will never forget! I never knew that introducing a new species of plants or fish can be detrimental to the ecosystem and what not. I'm glad that this semester is almost over but I'm not ready for finals. This week is going to be so INTENSE.
Last week of class
Last week of class we finished up presentations finally! I had to do mine, It wasn't to bad, it was about myself so it was easy to remember what to say. My plant still isnt growing, I'm watering it as much as I can remember, sometimes its hard when I go out of town because I am not going to bring it withme. We have the boat tour in a little bit, It should be fun, im just hoping it isnt to cold.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
last dayy
I am excited yet bummed that tomorrow is the last day of classes before finals start on thursday. I am excited because I get to go home and start working again along with seeing my boyfriend, friends and family. I look forward to waking up early christmas morning and opening presents and eating amazing homecooked food again. I am bummed because I have made some great friends here in san marcos that i will be leaving for a little over a month.

My plant is still not growing but it takes a cute picture. I'll continue to take care of it over christmas break just in case its a late blumer but i really dont have a green thumb haha hope everyone else plants are doing well whether growing or not.
see yall tomorrow for the boat ride,
ashley kathleen :)
last regular class 11/29
I can't believe this semester is almost over! Where have the days gone? I feel like I just got to Texas State and have so much to figure out still and yet I already have one semester of college under my belt.
Class was great. We finally finished hearing everybody's autobiographies...YAY! I'm really excited for the boat tour tomorrow although I feel like it's going to be super cold! What a fun way to end our time together.
No update on the plant. Unfortunately I think she's dead. There is definitely no sign of life to be found. I think I might try planting something else and try again because I want a plant for my room :)
Class was great. We finally finished hearing everybody's autobiographies...YAY! I'm really excited for the boat tour tomorrow although I feel like it's going to be super cold! What a fun way to end our time together.
No update on the plant. Unfortunately I think she's dead. There is definitely no sign of life to be found. I think I might try planting something else and try again because I want a plant for my room :)
Exam Week
I was absolutely swamped on Sunday night, and completely slept through my alarm on Monday so I missed class.
It was only the second class I've missed but I felt pretty bad about it, since we only had two left. However I am setting extra alarms for this upcoming monday because I plan on making it to the boat tour no matter what. Of course, I have no idea how I'll be getting down there. I suppose just walking, hopefully I make it on time!
See you all there!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I did my Autobiography today and was glad to finally get to show my powerpoint. I apologize for it being so short I had more to say but I left my notecards and so I was hoping people would just ask questions if there was something they wanted to know. I've never been really good at speeches but I think I did just fine. I am a communications major so I know I'll get better. Thanks for being such a fun class hope to see you guys around in the following years.
So our Picnic was fun although I wished it had been outside I'm not going to complain about it thanks to the free food. I would like to thank everyone for contributing and the guys who brought the sausage and cheese your awesome. lol I know everyone is excited for Thanksgiving I hope everyone has a good break and see you when we get back.
Today we have Presentations over our Autobiography. I didn't get to go today but that was good news so I would have more time to prepare my powerpoint. I loved hearing others presentations and finding new and interesting things about them. Theres alot of stuff you don't about someone even when talking to them because people don't just tell you about their lives unless you ask and well your questions don't normally touch topics other then the normal subject. So therefore this gave us an opportunity to really get to know each other. Very good idea.
Its No Impact week. Which grate because everyone comes together to save the planet from well ourselves. lol I tried the clothing line after washing and it was great because it didn't shrink my clothes it kept them silky and well it was eco friendly. I did carpool quite a few times which is not only making an impact but saving money. I didn't turn on lights near as much because I have two windows in my room with being on a corner and it just really worked out. I saved water by brushing my teeth in the shower and turning it off when I was using soap and shaving cream makes sense anyways. lol I really love the idea of No impact week because its really a win win overall.
Today we did not have class but I remember the assignment was to discuss what we participated in for No Impact Week and Three things we took from the "No Impact Man" Book.
-I participated in the Farmers Market which I absolutely loved but wish was bigger. I bought some sausage which was delicious. I think I just love natural produced foods because I'm a big organic eater and so it was perfect for me. Not to mention how tempted I was by the natural honey. yum yum. It all always looks so good. I really look up to the people who put so much time and effort into a business that is very risk-ay but you can tell they do it because they love it. I just like the local atmosphere of it all which makes things more trustworthy.
-Three things from the book I used were recycling, Being fuel efficient, and electricity. I've always be conscious disposer and therefore have recycled for the longest time. But now that more people know about it it makes me want to crack down on myself even more. Although I can't say the same for gasoline, I don't use it near as much thanks to the University and the location as resident overall. Being between to major cities really helps. Electricity is my weakness. I always forget to turn lights off because well I don't like walking around in the dark. lol but I think my recycling and the amount of water I save makes up for my weak areas. Its really hard this century so I'm grateful for just the small amount I remember to save.
Today we talked about Texas State transitions and other topics from the text. I would like to discuss some of my own transitions. I was gone all summer long for Basic Combat Training and did not get back till two days before move in. I feel somewhat rushed into this transitioning and so I think it hit me a bit harder than others. I had to adapt all summer long just to move three hours away from home to have to adapt all over again. Texas state fortunately has been easy on me and has treated me quite well. I believe living in res college had alot to do with it being family oriented and all. I am very happy with my decision to come to school here and can't wait for the future years ahead of me.
This was labor day and so I'm not quite sure if we were suppose to blog for today but I know I need thirteen blogs so I will blog for today. How about some history on today. The first Labor Day in the United States was observed on September 5, 1878, in Boston, by the Central Labor Union of New York, the nation's first integrated major trade union. It became a federal holiday in 1894, when, following the deaths of a number of workers at the hands of the U.S. military and U.S. Marshals during the Pullman Strike, President Grover Cleveland put reconciliation with the labor movement as a top political priority. It only took six days for it to be signed into law. Priority I would say.
I am so excited...
about monday!! The boat tour was pretty fun my senior year of highschool and its a good way to say goodbye to our university seminar class. I am kind of swamped because I have a test that morning and afternoon but the boat tour will be a nice break. I decided to take my plant home over Thanksgiving break and left it there hoping that it would grow in better lighting, but according to my mom STILL nothing has sprouted ): Oh well, I guess I just got some bum seeds. Hope everyone is doing well!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Class this week was pretty fun! I liked hearing the end of everyones speeches! I am SOO excited about the glass bottom boat ride! I've never been on it and it'll be so fun because its the last day and we dont have to sit in a classroom! My plant still isn't growing and i've kinda given up hope on it. We made a good effort but sadly they didnt grow.. I still think we should get credit for the assignment though! So here are my pictures:
See Ya Next Week! Stay warm!
Plant after hearing everyone else, I've also come to the conclusion that my plant is dead or just a really really late bloomer....
I'm really upset because I was excited to have our room smell like mint, but I did admit I don't have a green thumb. Maybe we can try again when it's warmer outside...or maybe not. At least we did try though... :)
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